L  the letter `ɬ' (barred L):  ɬihka1
lace  shoe lace:  wilistiyyòoka, wilistiyyòoka.   to lace up, tie with laces:  istiyyòoli
lack  to be all gone, finished up, used up, be lacking, be out of a supply:  anooka, anoska.   to be lacking on top, missing on top, gone on top:  paayíkso.   to not be, not have, be absent, be empty, be none, have any, not be here, be lacking:  íkso
ladder  haatoliiya
ladle  ittolapihchi
lady  aatitayyi.   old lady:  hoknòssòoba
lag  to lag behind, to be behind in a competition or election (of one):  istimobaltammi
laid up  to laid up (in bed), bed-ridden (of one):  bállàaka
lake  liikka.   lake, pond:  ayiipi.   lake, deep pond:  oki ootalàaka, okistootalàaka
lame  to limp, be lame:  hakkònni.   to have a lame back, have a backache:  paahoopa
lamp  apalaspaahachàali.   lamp chimney:  apala impaahachàali
lamp shade  apala istimaɬipìika
land  land, ground, country:  ihaani.   piece of land:  tállàaka, tállàali.   arable land:  aayachihka kano, ihaanikàano.   bottom land, black land:  oohayo.   good black land:  ihanlocha.   cleared, bare, or arid land:  oktaali.   cleared land:  tamòoyha.   dry land:  ihàani solotka báanafayyon.   gravelly land:  talchossibáana, talosi báanafayya ihaani.   swampy land:  ihàani ɬikaaya báanafayyon.   partitioned land:  ihaanitipkachi.   far away land:  ihaanitókpa, ihaanitókpa pìnha.   to be planted, cultivated (of land):  alchiiya.   to be rolling (of land), hilly, lumpy:  bokboki.   to hold title (to land), hold rights (to land):  támbatka.   to descend, come down, go down, land:  tanatli
landing strip  imaatanatka
landmark  landmark, survey mark, landline post:  ihaani ittatipkachi
landscape  to fix up the yard, landscape a yard:  itayilnaho
language  language, speech, word, news, message, information, discussion, sermon, report:  naaɬiilka.   Alabama language:  Albaamo innaaɬiilka.   any Indian language:  aatinnaaɬiilka.   Choctaw language:  Chahta innaaɬiilka.   Koasati language:  Kosaati innaaɬiilka.   Mobilian jargon:  yamá.   English language:  tatkinnaaɬiilka.   to speak other Indian languages, be a polyglot:  oolamiita.   to talk, speak (a language):  naaɬiika
lantern  istapala, apalaspaahachàali
lap  ittabi.   to lick, lap, sip:  fohli.   to lick repeatedly (esp. as an animal), lap up:  laska
lard  grease, oil, lard, shortening:  nitokchi, istinnikoobi
large  to be big, large:  choba.   to enlarge, make bigger, let out (a garment):  chobachi
larva  maggot, screw worm, larva:  oya.   grub, beetle larva:  saklichi ochoski.   large grub, beetle larva:  saksámpa.   pine beetle larva:  saklichi.   mosquito larva?:  sokpanòoli
larvae  mosquito larvae:  yalba
laryngitis  to be unable to talk (e.g. have laryngitis or be too scared):  naaɬiihíkko
larynx  nokkopòoli, noopoksi
last  night before last:  tankaakok koɬaako.   the last day of December:  hasichóobastanooka.   the last one:  istánnòoka.   to be last (i.e. previous), former:  mìntako.   to be the last, the end:  istanóoka
last name  surname, family name:  holchifastanóoka
last night  tankaako
last year  lokbáahaako, lokbahaakítto
latch  axle, bar or latch on door or gate, etc.:  imokhawitàaka.   to unlatch:  hamoffichi
late  the late, the former:  -kítta.   lateness, tardiness:  obaltanka.   to be late, be running behind (of more than one):  obalsofka.   to be running late, be late (of one):  obaltammi.   to make (one person) late:  obaltammichi.   to be late (in the day):  opiya
later  istaɬíina.   later, after, following:  koɬaama.   later, later on:  hímmàaka, óohchaama, opíiyàasi.   later on, after a while:  aɬíina.   a little later:  hímmáakàasiimon, hímmàakasima.   during a certain period in the past up to or until some later time:  istíila
Latin American  Ispaani
latrine  aaholippola
laugh  to laugh:  afaaka.   to laugh at, ridicule, tease:  afaalichi.   to be laughed at, ridiculed:  afaakachi.   to do something funny to make someone laugh:  istakaanomi.   to make happy, make glad, make laugh:  istayokpachi.   to make laugh:  afaalichi, istafaalichi.   to make smile or laugh:  ayokpachi
launch  to launch, set afloat in a vessel (one object):  istootalàali
laundry  clean laundry, laundered clothes:  ilokfaasíihka.   laundry detergent, powdered soap:  istaabohka póosi
lavatory  lavatory, washing pan, basin:  aayilbaasiilka
law  court of law:  kootka2.   law enforcer:  aatasihka.   law school:  aybachilkasobàyli.   law student:  aybachilkasobayli.   lawyer:  aybachilkasobáyli
lawn mower  hassi istitakolofka
laxative  ahissi ɬopotlichi
lay  to lay (one long object) down:  balàali.   to lay (one object) down on top of:  paabalàali.   to lay down (one thing with a wide surface):  ispaapiɬka.   to lay the head against (as on someone's shoulder):  imalbakcho.   to lay the head on, rest the head against:  albakcho.   to lay a foundation:  iisinchiika inchokoolichi.   to lay a foundation for (a house):  iisa inchiili.   to lay (something) down, put aside (one object):  piɬka
lay across  to lay across a gap (e.g. a beam), span, cross a gap:  afitli, afitàali.   to lay (things) across each other:  ittabannichi.   to put across, lay (plural objects) across (esp. in a container or on horseback):  istabannichi
lay blame  to blame (something) on, lay blame, accuse (one):  ispaapiɬka
lay down  to lay down (a few things):  paachikìili.   to lay down on its side (one object):  ispaabalàali.   to set down, seat, lay down (plural objects):  chiili1
lay eggs  to lay eggs:  anahli.   to produce a litter, lay eggs, to have babies (of animals):  chikìili
layer  layer (as of cream on milk or congealed grease):  tala.   to put over (plural objects), cover (in layers):  albitlichi
lay off  to lay (workers) off of a job:  ɬàali.   to fire or lay off (someone) (from a job):  faylichi
lay out  to be set out, laid out:  talàaka.   to lay out (esp. land), set out (plural objects), set up (upright objects):  tallichi.   to put down, set down, lay out, set out (one object), set up (an upright object):  talàali.   to put down, set down, lay out, set out (plural objects), set up (upright objects):  talli1.   to spread out, lay over, lay out, set out (one object):  patàali
lay over  to spread out, lay over, lay out, set out (one object):  patàali
laziness  hobalikcha, chalihma.   to be lazy:  takkobi, hobakchi, chahmo
lead1  lead (metal):  ɬaki
lead2  leading, guiding, guidance:  hinaalta.   to lead the way, lead someone:  hinaata.   to lead (an activity, esp. a game):  ishinaata.   to lead a game:  hompaniichi.   to lead across, make cross over:  abanatlichi, abannichi.   to lead in the polls:  istímmáyyàachi.   to guide, lead (someone):  iⁿhinaata.   to guide, lead somewhere:  maaɬakkila.   to lead with (e.g. a leash), carry (of one or two), bring along with:  istàaya.   to hold on to by a leash, lead (one object) on a leash:  intámbatka.   to lead a bunch on (as a mother hen with chicks, etc.), take along with:  ilapihli
leader  aatiláppìili, aatistiⁿhínnàata, hínnàata, ilapìili.   queen, king, ruler, president, leader:  mikko.   leader, guide:  hinàata.   leader (of a game), coach, director:  hompanìichi.   leader, officer:  aatihínnàata.   manager, superintendant, supervisor, director, leader, boss, etc.:  istáhhìicha.   to be a leader, be a guide:  hínnàata
leaf  ittohissi.   leaf veins:  ittohissichofkoni.   to bud, put out leaves, leaf out (as a tree or plant):  fakopli.   to sprout, come up (of a crop), come out (of leaves):  fachopli
leaf through  to leaf through (a book), riffle (pages):  fakohlichi
leak  liikka.   to leak, drip:  hoyya.   to leak (of a house or roof):  maahoyya.   to have a slow leak (of a tire):  hifóoska
lean  to lean against (of one):  achanàaka.   to lean (one object) against:  achanàali.   to lean against (something) to hold it up:  intiili.   to lean on (a cane):  kottabiichi.   to lean (something) to one side:  chaknaaskichi.   to lean against something to assist in getting to one's feet:  ilakkobititka.   to be leaning against (of one):  achánnàaka2.   to be tilted, to lean to the side, slope or slant (of ground):  chaknaaski
learn  schooling, education, book learning:  holisso sobayka.   to find out about, learn, perceive, remember:  sobàyli.   to learn how:  ponna.   to be known, learned:  sobàyka.   to teach (a subject or theory), make learn (a subject), impart knowledge to:  ponnachi
learner  learner, student:  sobàyli
leash  to hold on to by a leash, lead (one object) on a leash:  intámbatka.   to lead with (e.g. a leash), carry (of one or two), bring along with:  istàaya
leather  strip of leather, leather thong:  chaɬka.   tanned, stretched hide, leather thongs:  ɬahka.   leather thongs:  koskalpi.   to cure (leather), tan (hide):  liphachi
leave  to leave, disappear (of one):  nakaaɬa.   to leave, disappear, be gone (of two):  wasatka.   to leave, abandon (physically), divorce:  maalichi.   to leave, abandon, throw away (plural objects):  maakahli.   to leave and not come back (of two):  wássatka.   to leave (one object) with:  impiɬka.   to leave remaining:  alahli.   to leave, set aside, lay (something) down:  piɬka.   to leave (some) for (someone), let someone have some of:  imalahli.   to leave (someone or something):  faayàali, faayahli, fayli.   to bring and settle and leave, take and leave somewhere, drop off (plural objects):  ilsoofi.   to leave (one object) sitting in water:  oochókkolìichi.   to scatter, spread, or leave on top of for:  impaayisaachi.   to lose, get rid of (one object), make someone leave:  nakaɬaachi.   to let, allow to do, give (someone) leave:  iⁿfayli
leave out  to exclude from a share, leave out of something:  alahli.   to be left out of something, excluded:  alahka
leave up to  to turn over to, convey (as property), leave up to:  istiⁿfayli
leech  lapchola
left hand  alfabi
left over  to have something left over:  imalahka2
leftovers  oolimpaɬahka.   remains, leftovers:  alahka, ostalahka
left side  left side of the body:  alfabitàɬɬa
leg  leg, legs:  ittabi.   back of leg:  ittabi oobàali.   calf of the leg, behind the knee:  ittabikonòoɬa.   one bowed leg:  ittabipanayka.   front paw of an animal, foreleg, forefoot:  iyyibíkno.   chair leg:  paachokòoka ittabi.   to have bowed legs:  ittabikinkibi.   to cross the legs at the knee or ankle:  ittafinapli.   to have a muscle cramp in the upper leg:  obiyyíksa.   to have the legs crossed:  ittabin ittabánnàali.   to spread one's legs, stand with the feet apart:  ilakchawaali.   to spread the legs of (esp. a baby):  ilakchawaalichi, wakchakaalichi
legend  óohchafatka.   teller of tales and legends:  nàasóochafatli
legible  to be visible, legible:  mottaki
lemon  limonka, yalàahakaskaha
lemonade  limonka okchikaskaha
lend  to lend to:  imonaaɬi
length  to be short (in length):  kobayli.   to be short (in length, time, distance):  koboksi.   to be the same length, of equal length or height:  ittahooba
lengthen  to lengthen, let (the hair) grow long:  baskichi.   to lengthen a little, let out a hem:  baskìichi
leopard  kowichokchoki
leprosy  to have leprosy, have diseased skin slough off:  nachohkachi
lesbians  tayyiha aatinaanihókkìita
let  well, then, uh, er, let's see...:  naho1.   to let, allow to do, give (someone) leave:  iⁿfayli.   to let someone know, inform, pass on a message:  haalochi
let blood  to cut a hole in an animal's throat to let blood out:  nootahapka, noksìilichi
let go  to release let go of (something):  fayli, faayàali, faayahli.   to let go of (e.g. a trigger), release, let down (e.g. from a jack or other support):  iⁿɬakoffichi
lethal  to be fatal, dangerous, lethal to:  istilli
lethargic  to be unable to do anything, not feel up to doing anything because feeble or lethargic:  imalawkachíkso
let in  to make enter, let in, retract (one object):  chokkaliilichi
let loose  to untie (a restraint) for (a person or animal), let loose from:  iⁿsitoffi.   to untie (a restraint) from (a person or animal) for (someone), let loose from for (someone):  imiisitoffi
let out  to let out, take out (one object):  assaliilichi.   to let out, chase out, run off, run out (more than one objet):  askahli.   to enlarge, make bigger, let out (a garment):  chobachi.   to lengthen a little, let out a hem:  baskìichi
let stand  to let stand in:  istalàali
letter  holisso naaɬiilka.   to send a letter to:  holisso maatinnaaɬiika
lettuce  hissokcháakilpa
level  to destroy, raze, flatten (vegetation), level (as a house) (used of a storm or tornado):  baɬapli.   to even up (e.g. the ends of something), bring up to the same level:  ahoobachi
lever  lever, jack handle:  iswakayka apihchi
liar  aatlòoska.   liar, someone who tells lies or tales all the time:  chokfichoba.   story-teller, liar:  afaahilka naaɬìika.   to be a joker, trickster, liar:  chokfi
library  holisso aachikìika
lice  ichha
license  fishing license:  ɬaɬo imokwàyka iⁿholisso, ɬaɬo ooyilba iⁿholisso
lichen  somo.   species of fine green moss or lichen that grows over old campfire sites:  tikbichokhiska
lick  to lick, lap, sip:  fohli.   to lick repeatedly (esp. as an animal), lap up:  laska.   to lick oneself (of an animal):  ilifohli.   to lick (a vertical surface, as a salt lick):  onafohli, onalaska.   to taste, sip, lick once:  lasapka.   to make someone lick:  fohlichi
lid  lid, cover:  aɬipìika.   eyelid:  ittiɬi aɬipìika.   to cover, put a lid on, shut (one object):  aɬipìili
lie1  lie, prevarication:  losilka.   to lie, tell a lie:  loska.   to lie to:  illoska.   to lie to (someone) for:  imilloska.   to be lied to:  illosilka.   to kid, joke, lie, play a trick on:  chokfi.   to make (someone) lie:  loskachi, loskachiichi.   to make someone lie about someone:  onaloskachi.   to tell a lie about, falsely accuse:  aloska, onaloska
lie2  to lie flat (of one):  páttàaka.   to lie on the side:  chaknáaskit baláaka.   to lie down on one's side (of one):  paabalàaka.   to lie with the head back, lie supine (of one):  hanokfalánkat balàaka.   to go to bed, lie down (of one):  balàaka.   to lie down with (of one):  itaafolòoka.   to sleep with, lie down with, share a bed with (of one):  apoɬòoka.   to be here (of a long object), be lying here (of one):  tàami.   to be lying across each other (e.g. logs in a log cabin):  ittabankachi.   to be lying at a distance (of one):  maabállàaka.   to be flat, lying on a flat surface (of one):  ispaabállàaka.   to be lying down, be laid up (in bed) (of one):  bállàaka.   to be still in bed, still lying down (of one):  baláaka.   to have (one object) lying on top of something:  paabállàali
life  life, living:  okchaliiya.   to bring to life:  okchaayachi, okchayàachi.   to be have the wind knocked out but come back to life:  haapolonka
lifeless  to be decayed, dried up, lifeless:  pakfo
lift  jack, lift, etc.:  iswakayka, mobìlkiswakayka.   to lift:  lakawwi.   to lift up, hoist (of more than one):  waakaayòoli.   to lift up, hoist (of one):  wakayli.   to pull up (something), lift, raise (as a flag on a rope):  abaalichi.   to lift the head and look out at (plural objects):  maatakinìika.   to ride in (someone's vehicle), get a lift from (of one):  iⁿhokfa
ligament  spinal ligament:  inchoswa
light  day, daylight:  hasi.   sunlight:  hasokba.   for there to be moonlight:  niɬak hastaali.   torch, light:  kilaaya.   artificial light:  apala.   flashlight:  apalasi.   headlight:  mobìlkimapala.   to be light, bright:  hastahli.   to light, ignite (a fire), turn on (a light):  kilayli.   to light or set fire to (a pile of something):  onakitayli.   to light, turn on (a light):  apalaali.   to light, turn on (a light of any kind), start (a fire):  kitayli.   to light, kindle, burn, ignite (one object):  atikìili.   to shine a light on:  onapalaali.   to be light, daylight:  nihta.   to be lighter:  sóhpa.   to be lighter, brighter:  hastáhli.   to have been lit, set afire, burned (of one):  atikìika.   to have light, be able to see:  iⁿhastahli.   to flash, blink, wink (of light):  malli.   to flash, shine, sparkle on something, shine in someone's eyes, blind with light:  aɬaplichi.   to give off shimmering waves of light (esp. as a heat mirage or tinfoil), shine, glisten, sparkle, glitter, radiate:  limìhkachi.   to go out (of a fire or light), be off (of a light):  laboska.   to extinguish (a fire), turn out (a light):  labosli.   to be bland, tasteless (of food), weak in flavor, light tasting:  taksi
light bulb  apala imachosòoka
lightning  hasokmálli.   for lightning to strike:  kolkohka batatli.   to be lightning in the distance:  hasokmaamálli, hasok maamíslo.   to flash (of lightning):  maamisli.   to flash, blink like lightning:  maamismihli
lightning bug  hakchòmmapala
lights  lungs, esp. lights (organ meat):  iⁿsokpa
light up  to light up, emit light:  hastahli.   to make (something) light up, shine (of an artificial light):  hastahlichi
light-weight  to be light-weight, agile (as a gymnast):  sokpa.   to be thin, sheer, light-weight, fine in texture (of material) (as silk, chiffon, voile):  tapaski
like1  for instance, for example, such as, and the like, in the manner of (a), like (a):  -káhmi.   sort of, kind of, like that, as if, just about, mainly:  -káhmi.   like this here:  yàafa.   one is like another:  ismáaloolo.   to imitate, act like:  holbachi.   to look like each other:  ittihólba.   to pretend, act like, behave as though:  tómbàachi.   to sound like someone, be like:  holbáachi.   to be like, do like, happen that way:  máhmi, máhmi.   to be that kind, be like that, be something like that:  akkáhmi.   to consider oneself to be like:  istiliitómbàachi.   to act like, behave in a certain manner (e.g. like a father):  istiliitómbàachi.   to act like this, be the same as something else:  yálmàami.   to be a certain way, be like that, be the same way:  málmàhmi
like2  to be friendly to, like, love:  istimayokpa.   to like, love, care about, be interested in:  imalosti.   to like something best:  istinkáhno.   to like something, enjoy, find pleasing, feel good about:  istinkano.   to like the taste of:  inchampoli.   to love, like very much:  nàasmafináachòssi.   to love, really like a lot, brag about:  alostíichòosi.   to love, treasure, have affection for, like, be fond of:  ayyihoochi.   to cuddle, act affectionately toward, like, love:  ayokpáalòssi.   to want (some thing or occurrence), like, be inclined to, try:  banna.   to hate, dislike:  akìilo.   to not want, dislike:  bànko.   to dislike a person for a specific reason:  apakanka.   to dislike (something of someone's):  imakìilo
like this  to do like this, go like this (gesture):  yamíhchi, yàhmi
lily  water-lily:  ayiipifo pakaali, okifoopatka
lima bean  chastokhopàtha.   baby lima beans:  chastokhopátha hàtka, chastokhopáthasi.   large lima beans:  chastokhopáthachoba.   striped lima beans:  chastokhopátha holìsso
limb  limb, branch (of tree or creek), antlers:  wassalakchi.   tree limb:  ittowassalakchi.   rich pine limbs, pine knot used for torch:  choyyipokta.   dead tree limbs, brush, rubbish:  kopihka
limber  to limber up, loosen up, stretch:  iliiyiɬoolichi.   to be limber, flexible:  bilohli, yabohli, yiɬohli.   to be soft, limber, flexible:  wakínho.   to be able to move or limber up a stiff neck:  nooyiɬooli
limp  person handicapped with a limp:  aatihakkònni.   to limp, be lame:  hakkònni.   to be limber, flexible, limp:  yabohli.   to be wilting, drooping, limp (of plants):  salbi
line  line on paper:  ɬahkachi.   scratch, mark in a line:  ɬaafka.   clothesline:  ilokfaasíihka atakka.   barbed wire, clothesline, etc.:  ismaapka.   trotline:  ɬaɬo istimooyatakka, ɬaɬostimoobalàaka.   main line of trotline:  baksa baski.   to be in a line, be in a row:  isbállàaka.   to be lined up behind each other:  ittachakki, ittachákkòosi.   to be lined up next to each other but not touching:  ittapòotka1.   to be striped, lined:  ɬahkachi.   to cast (a line) out for (plural objects):  maastimoomaakàali.   to draw a line by reaching:  maahalahka.   to stand in between (in a line) (of one):  samatli.   to put lots of hooks on a fishing line:  imatakli.   to tie small lines onto (esp. on the main line of a trotline):  baksa achitli
line up  one after another behind each other:  ittachakkachi.   to line up one behind the other:  isbalàaka
linguist  naaɬiilka ittimaɬahkóyhat hossòochi
liniment  aissihatka
link  links in a chain:  ittibachaskachi.   to be interwoven, interlinked:  ittasamahli
linoleum  itapatàaka
lion  kowichoowoksi
lip  lips, cheeks:  ichoowiliksi.   to hurt the lip:  ichoopáyyìili.   to have a sore lip, have a busted lip:  ichoohoopa.   to have chapped lips:  ichoowasihko, ichoowasihli.   to purse the lips:  ilichoopakoffi.   to pucker or purse the lips in distaste:  ilichoopayòoli.   to stick out the tongue or lip:  ichoklàmbi.   to stick out the tongue or lip at (someone):  imichoklambi
lipstick  to apply lipstick:  ilichoohommachi
liquid  to be thin (not dense), watery, diluted, liquid:  oktakasbi
liquor store  okoomischòopa
listen  to listen to, let someone hear something:  iⁿháalòochi.   to listen to someone, be quiet for someone, obey:  imponháalo.   to be still for, to listen to someone:  imponhaalo.   to hear, obey (an order), listen:  haalo.   to hear someone (say something), listen to, pay attention to:  iⁿháalo.   to make listen, make mind, make pay attention:  haalóochi.   to not listen to, not mind someone, disobey:  imikhàalo
litter  to drop a litter (of animals), have a brood:  ilapihli.   to have a litter or nest (of offspring), to be nesting:  chíkkìili.   to produce a litter, drop a litter, lay eggs, to have babies (of animals):  chikìili.   to produce a lot of offspring, have a litter:  ochoski.   to litter (an area), mess (something) up:  abohlichi
little  to be little, tiny:  chinóofàschi.   to be short in height, little, narrow, small, thin in diameter (as a small tree, broom handle, etc.):  chokíibossi.   to be small:  chinoofa, chinóofàasi.   to be very little, tiny (of more than one):  sáwwàasi
Little Dipper  Little Dipper constellation:  Istisilkasi
little finger  ilbochòosi, ilbochòososi
little hip hawthorn  chittiɬhòmma
little toe  iyyochòosi
little while  a little while before:  bíknòosi
live  being alive:  okchalíiyya.   life, living:  okchaliiya.   creature, living thing, human being:  aatihifòoska.   to live at a place, inhabit (of more than one):  ìisa.   to live at or in a place (of one):  chókkòoli.   to live, dwell (of two):  àswa.   to live somewhere, stay at a place, be located, hang around (of one):  wìika.   to live on a certain spot (of more than one):  paayíisa.   to stay, live (of one or two):  àata.   to stay or live away (from one's place of origin) (of one):  oswìika.   to stay, visit, live, be here (of one or two):  àtta.   to be alive:  hátchàali.   to be seated, settled, sitting, living (of a few):  chíkkìika2.   to be still alive, (barely) living:  okcháaya.   to be still alive, have another day:  inníhta.   to be still sitting, still living:  chokóoli.   to come alive:  okchaaya
live oak  okwani
liver  illopi
livestock  nàasalpooba.   livestock, pet, houseplant, flower, etc.:  alpooba, alpoyba
living  living being, creature:  nàasi okchàaya
living room  aayìistilka
Livingston  Livingston, Texas:  Liwisti
lizard  anole lizard:  hanaabiya okchàkko.   lizard, chameleon, anole:  hanaabiya.   horned lizard:  hanaabiya illapihchìisa.   kind of rough-skinned lizard:  hanaabiya pissíila.   lesser earless lizard:  pissìila.   lizard, poss. broad-headed lizard or five-lined lizard:  hanaabiya chómbo.   northern prairie lizard:  hanaabiya pàlki
load  to load a single shot into (a gun):  inɬaki istiⁿhokfi.   to load (cartridges):  inɬaki istimaapitta.   to be loaded down with:  chínnìili.   to haul, carry (a load):  wihaachi.   to unload (more than one thing):  tanahlichi
loaded  to be over full, overloaded:  paachaaha
loaf  loaf of bread:  paspachoba
loan  mortgage, collateral, security on a loan:  abalàali
loan balance  ahachàaka
loblolly pine  choyyihoba
locate  to be located (stationary):  àtta.   to be located on top of something (of one):  paatállàaka.   to be located on top of something, live on a certain spot (of more than one):  paayíisa.   to be located (lying) there (of a long object):  maatàami.   to get on (someone's back or head), be located on (of one):  paayàaya.   to be there, be located at a place (of one or two):  àaya.   to live somewhere, stay at a place, be located, hang around (of one):  wìika.   to be located, be here, be there (of one or two):  àata
lock  to lock up, bar (one object):  afinapli.   to turn (a lock), lock (a doorlock):  iⁿhaatanatlichi.   to lock oneself out:  ilafinapli.   to be locked (of one):  afinapka.   to be locked in, locked out, locked up (of one):  onafinapka.   to butt heads, lock antlers (of horned animals):  ittibiska.   to have a belonging locked up:  imonafinapka.   to keep locked up (e.g. a cedar chest) (one object):  afínnapli.   to keep locking regularly (e.g. a car door) (one object):  afináapli
locust  katydid, cricket, locust:  kasasa.   locust, cicada:  sowiisowi.   Texas honeylocust, water locust:  tato
log  ittokòlka.   tree (generic), wood, log, stick:  itto.   log (for a log cabin), any straight uncut piece of wood that can be used as a pole:  ittolóobo.   hollow log, tree with a big hole:  ittoobi.   foot log (a log across a creek used as a bridge):  silbacha
log bridge  ittopaaɬopotka
log cabin  ìisittihokfa
loincloth  to put on (a diaper or loincloth):  iboksi
loneliness  chokkilissatilka
lonely  lonely person, orphan, widow/widower, bachelor, person with no kinfolks:  atchafàaka.   to be homesick, lonesome, pining for friends and relatives:  ɬakcha.   to miss (someone), be lonesome for (someone):  iⁿɬakcha.   to be alone and experience the quietness of a location, have it seem quiet to one:  inchokkilissa
long  to be long:  baski.   to be very long:  báaski.   to be a very long time:  óohcha.   to lengthen, let (the hair) grow long:  baskichi.   to lengthen a little, let out a hem:  baskìichi
long ago  long ago, in the old days:  óohchàako.   recently, not too long ago:  okíichòosiiko.   to be very long ago:  óochafíhnaama
longheaded  to be `longheaded', have an oblong head:  isbakbaski
longhorn cattle  waaka illapihchi hobaski
longleaf pine  choyyihissi hobaski, choyyinaani
long pea  chastokhobaski
long time  to be a long time ago:  ohóocha.   to take a long time to do something:  ohóocha
look  look!:  chíi.   to lift the head and look out, peep at (plural objects):  maatakinìika.   to look out at, open the eyes:  maahicha.   to look over in a certain direction, look off in the distance:  maahíicha.   to peer at from a distance, peep at (one object):  maatakinitka.   to peer at, peep at (one object):  akinitka.   to peek out of something at, peer out at, peep out at (one object):  maastakinitka.   to see, find, look at, spot, spy:  hicha
look after  to be looking after, keeping watch over, take care of, housesit, babysit:  áhhìicha.   to be cared for, watched over, looked after:  alhíicha
look askance  to give someone a funny look, look askance at:  maatimmisli
look down  to act proud toward someone, act superior to, look down on:  istimilahota
look for  to look for, search for:  wihli.   to go look for, go search for:  maawihli
look good  to have something fit well, have look good on one:  istimalíila, istimálpìisa
look into  to find out about, look into, investigate:  akostiniichi, imahaalochi.   to investigate, look into everything:  aawihli
look like  to resemble, look like:  hóolba.   to look like each other, resemble each other:  ittihólba
look out  look out!, watch out, hey!, wait! there!:  má! má!.   to lift the head and look out, peek at (plural objects):  maatakinìika
looks  appearance, looks:  ilhicha
look up to  to look up to, respect, admire:  innàaschóoba
loose  to be limber, loose, slack:  yiɬohli.   to be loose, baggy:  sokcha.   to be loose and coming off:  taɬoffi.   to be loose and wiggling (of more than one):  ilkoyòolòosi.   to be loose (as a tooth about to fall out):  chilòoli, siipka.   to come loose, undone:  hamoffi.   to come loose from, come off of (of more than one):  siihka.   to have something be too loose or baggy on one:  iⁿsokcha.   to be loosely woven:  sakla.   to let loose from, pull out of, take (one object) apart:  inchiloffichi.   to untie (a restraint) for (a person or animal), let loose from:  iⁿsitoffi
loosen  to undo, loosen:  yiɬɬi.   to loosen (as a screw):  onasiipli, impaffichi.   to loosen (several):  iⁿhamofòolichi.   to loosen (something) that has been tight, make baggy:  sokchachi.   to loosen up from (things that are too tight):  inchilòolichi.   to loosen or dislocate at the joints:  taɬòolichi.   to limber up, loosen up, stretch:  iliiyiɬoolichi.   to stretch (a part of the body) to loosen up:  yiɬoolichi.   to unfasten, loosen, undo (one object) from:  iⁿhamoffichi, iⁿhamoffichi
lopsided  to be a little lopsided, twisted, slightly askew:  kawáknàasi.   to be crooked, lopsided:  lamatíkko, lamatkitíkko.   to be crooked, not straight, bent, lopsided, twisted, bowed (of the legs):  kawakna
lose  getting lost:  yolisba.   to lose (something), have something get lost (of one):  innakaaɬa.   to get rid of, lose (one object):  wasatli, nakaɬaachi.   to be lost, lose one's place (e.g. in a book):  yosba.   to lose one's train of thought, forget what a word means:  imayosba.   to lose one's tooth:  inchiloffi.   to lose at dominoes:  istimilli.   to forget someone (on purpose), lose someone:  ayosbachi
lose weight  to lose weight:  innakaaɬa, sowi.   to cause (someone) to lose weight:  innakaɬaachi, sowiichi
lost  lost items:  sofka.   to be lost, lose one's place (e.g. in a book):  yosba.   to have (more than one) get lost:  iwwasatka
lot  (do) a lot, (do) too much, very, too:  áalòosi.   to have a lot of:  illawa.   very, really, a lot:  fíhna.   vacant lot or field:  ihtolaana.   to be lots, a lot, too:  fíhna.   to be lots, many, a lot:  lawa.   to have a whole lot:  illáhwa
loud  to be loud:  lawwi, palkichi.   to be louder:  láhwi
Louisiana  Loosiyaana
louse  ichha
love  to be friendly to, like, love:  istimayokpa, imayokpa.   to like, love, care about, be interested in:  imalosti.   to love, like very much:  nàasmafináachòssi.   to love, really like a lot, brag about:  alostíichòosi.   to love, have affection for, like, be fond of:  ayyihoochi.   to value, treasure, love:  iyíihòssi.   to act affectionately with, love, be friendly to:  ayokpali, ayokpáalòssi
love bug  iskanlochasi
love potion  awihka
loveseat  paachokòokabaskosi
low  to be low:  ihanni.   to be a little low:  íhhànni.   to be lower than:  iháhni, istimihánnòosi.   to be low or close to the ground, almost down to the ground:  itapáttàakàasi.   to be too low, the lowest:  iháanni.   to low (of cows), moo continually:  ittafayka
lower  to lower:  ihannichi.   to lower a little:  itamaalìichòosi.   to lower something to the ground:  itamaalichi, maatoopiɬka.   to lower, throw in (one object):  maatoomaalichi
lubricant  istinnikoobi
lubricate  to have a possession lubricated, get a possession greasy:  iminnikoobichi
luck  luckily, fortunately, in time:  mayóoba.   to be lucky, fortunate:  laki.   to have bad luck, misfortune, be unlucky:  piyaafo
lukewarm  to be lukewarm, tepid:  íikba
lumber  ittosohkachi
lumbercamp  albina
lump  poksi, bokko.   burl, lump on a tree:  ittopoksi.   to have a lump, be lumpy:  imbokko.   to be rolling (of land), hilly, lumpy:  bokboki
lunch  pontókkòoli oolimpa, pontòolilpa.   sack lunch, box lunch, provisions for a trip, lunch box:  pinaki.   to bring one's lunch:  pináaki.   to pack food for camping, make a sack lunch:  pinakiichi
lung  lungs, esp. lights (organ meat):  iⁿsokpa
lurch  to lurch forward:  salatli
lure  rod and reel, lure, etc.:  istimoohompani
lurk  to sneak around, lurk, move around quietly or stealthily:  ayapatli.   to sneak up on, sneak around, lurk:  haktíichi
lye  sobila
lye soap  istaabohkalàana
lymph gland  lymph glands in neck:  nokchiɬáali