baacha garfish (a type of fish similar to a carp in that it has a beard but smaller; also similar to a gar in that it is thin and has a long nose but is shorter than a gar; it is edible but bony) Var: báacha  (IB)
baaffi Var. of bahaffi 
báafko Var. of baháfko 
bàali Var. of bahàali 
bàalka to be lying down, laid up (in bed), bed-ridden (of more than one)  -LI  (-, bàalhilka, bàalhaska)   [/bal(aa)-ka1] [dsfx1] [fgr]  «Aathoopak bàalko. The sick people are lying down.»balka
báalka to be still lying down, still in bed (of more than one)  -LI  (-, báalhilka, báalhaska)   [/bal(aa)-ka1] [dsfx1] [lgr] ☞balka
báana  1.  to have all over  -LI/3  (báanatiska, báanatilka, báanataska) [bán- before /t/]  «Satani báanatiskamoolo. You are all ticky.»  2.  just, merely, all and only; always, every time; each and every one; to be all over, be scattered all over, be everywhere, be ubiquitous; exclusively (often indicates that the reference of the stem it follows is exclusive of any covering or other attachments)  «Tóklobáanat ontichihchi. They're coming two by two.»  «Chisatanibáanamoolo. You have ticks all over you.»  «Naaniya báanasot ittilokòolok amaakatoolo. Only the men would get together and go.»  «Anáɬɬibáanoolo. I've always been by myself.»  «Akáhmibáana. It's like that all the time.»  «Iyyibáana. Bare-footed; to be just a foot (as something killed and ate an animal leaving only a foot).»  «Isbakkibáana. Bare-headed.»  «Isbakkobáana. Bare-headed.»  «Iskani báanahchi. To be bug-infested.»  «Chikpibáana. Open-shirted (i.e. all chest).»  «Hachibáana. Just the tail (bare-tailed).»  «Mobìlkabáana. Empty car, just a car; cars all over (as a large, full parking lot).»  «Kafistisilkabáana. Empty cup.»  «Chichobabáana. Just a horse (a bare horse with no saddle); horses all over.»  «Pakaalibáana. All flowers, flowers all over; cotton patch.»  «Ilokfabáanaschoopa. Department store.»  «Ischoopabáana. Shopping center, mall; something that one regularly sells (e.g. her baskets are Doris's ischoopabaana).»  «Táɬɬàapibáana. Every one of them is five years old; they all have five each.»  «Yáalibáana. Just around here (said in answer to `where you been?').»  «Kootkabáana. He's always whistling.»  «Batatlilibáana. I always hit it; I get a hit every time (in baseball).»  «Bayabáana. All the furniture is made of oak (not a stand of oak trees, they don't grow all together like pines).»  «Sáhmibáana. He had to do it, it was all he could do; it's happening all the time.»  «Hatkabáana. It's all white.»  «Nipobáana. Lean meat.»
báaski to be very long   [/baski] [hgr] ☞baski
báassi to be weaker, poorer  CHA- [hgr]  «Báassit ilakàalkot anooko. She's getting weaker.»  «Ischimbáassit anooko. I'm poorer than you.»bassi
bachaaka hair ornament, hair bow, ribbon   [/bachaa-ka1] Var: bachaka  (IB)bachaali
bachaali to tie (something) in the hair  -LI/3  (bachaachi, bachaahili, bachaahachi)   [/bachaa-li]
  bachaaka  hair ornament
  isbachaaka  hair ornament
  bátchàali  to wear in the hair
bachaka Var. of bachaaka 
bachaktapaski ribbon   [prob. /bachaa-ka1 /tapaski]
bafko to be gray (especially of an animal, such as a Brahma bull) Usage: Older word; not used of human hair, which is hatka.  CHA-
bahàali to push (plural objects or repeatedly)  -LI/CHA-  (bahàachi, bahàahili, bahàahachi)   [/baha(f)-li] [dsfx2] [fgr] Var: bàalibahaffi
bahaffi to push once  -LI/CHA-  (bahafchi, bahafhili, bahafhachi)   [/bahaf-li] Var: baaffi
  baháfko Neg.
  báhhaffi  to hold up
  bahàali  to push more than once
    báhhàali  to hold up (pl. obj.)
    ittibàali  to push each other
    maabàali  to push (something) toward
baháfko Neg. Var: báafkobahaffi
báhhàali to hold up (several things about to fall down)  -LI/CHA-  (báhhàachi, báhhàahili, báhhàahachi) [ggr] ☞bahàali
báhhaffi to hold up (something about to fall down)  -LI/CHA-  (báhhafchi, báhhafhili, báhhafhachi)   [/bahaf-li] [ggr] ☞bahaffi
bahka to be mashed   [/bah-ka1] ☞bahli
bàhko Neg. ☞bahli
bahli to mash  -LI/3  (bahchi, bahhili, bahhachi)   [/bah-li] {poss.  /bahaf-li}
  bàhko Neg.
  bahka  to be mashed
bahta shoulder bag, a bag carried on a strap around the shoulder while hunting, bandolier bag Usage: Older word.
bakàhko Neg. ☞bakahli
bakahli to throw at  -LI/CHA-  (bakahchi, bakahhili, bakahhachi)   [/bakah-li]  «Ifan bakahlilaho. I'm going to throw things at the dog (to make it go away).»
  bakàhko Neg.
  isbakahli  to throw down
    isbakahka  to be thrown at (something)
  maastimbakahli  to throw to (someone at a distance)
bakba woodpecker, pileated woodpecker
bakcho thorns; any plant with thorns, brier; blackberry
bakcho hollo greenbrier (Smilax sp)   [/bakcho /hollo]  (VC)
bakcho itabatli dewberry  Cul: The berries are edible, and the root may be boiled to make a tea that cures diarrhea.    [/bakcho /itabat-li]  (VC)
bakchokchako greenbrier (Smilax sp)   [prob.  /bakcho /okchakko]
bakchopakaali rose, rosebush (Rosa spp)   [/bakcho /pakaali]
bàki buggy, two-wheeled carriage { English}
bakínno Neg. ☞banna
bakìybo Neg. ☞bayba
baksa thread, twine, rope, raffia  Cul: Bark is stripped from the bottom of the rope tree up and used in making chair seats. 
  baksahachi  tree species
baksa achitli to tie small lines onto (esp. on the main line of a trotline)  -LI/3   [/baksa /achit(ìi)-li]  (VC)achitli
baksa apankachi spool   [/baksa a- /pan(ay)-ka1-chi1]  (VC)
baksaatka sewing thread   [/baksa /hat-ka1]
baksa baski main line of trotline   [/baksa /baski]  (VC)
baksahachi tree species, ropetree?  Cul: Used to make baskets.    [/baksa /hachi] ☞baksa
baksakánko poison ivy, poison oak   [/baksa /kano-ki-o2]  (VC)
  balàali  to lay (one long obj.) down
    balàako Neg.
    abalàali  security on a loan
    paabalàali  to lay (something) down on top of
      paabállàali  to have something lying on top of something
      ispaabalàali  to lay down on its side
    balli  to lay (pl. obj.) down
  balàaka  to go to bed
    balaíkko Neg.
    baláaka  to be still lying down
    aabalàilka  bed
      aabalàilkasi  cot
    chaknáaskit baláaka  to lie on the side
    hanokfalánkat balàaka  to lie with the head back
    haatanatlit balàaka  to turn over when lying down
    paabalàaka  to lie down on one's side
    balaalichi  to put to bed due to illness
    bállàaka  to be bed-ridden
    imbalàaka  to spend the night at
    isbalàaka  to line up
      isbállàaka  to be in a line
      istimbalàaka  hallway
    ispaabállàaka  to lying on a flat surface
    maabállàaka  to be lying at a distance
    maatabalàaka  to sleep away from home
    onabalàaka  to sleep over at place
    balaska  to go to bed
      balasoka Imp.
      baláaska  to be still lying down (dl.)
      bállaska  to be lying down (dl.)
    balka  to go to bed
      balhíkko Neg.
      balhoka Imp.
      maabàalka  to be lying at a distance
      bàalka  to bed-ridden
      báalka  to be still lying down (pl.)
balaachi Var. of balaalichi 
balàaka to go to bed, lie down (of one)  -LI  (balàahiska, -, -)   [/balaa-ka1] [Irr: PlStem=balka; DlStem=balaska] [fgr] Neg: balaíkko  «Ifa nòochiya balàakatika. Let sleeping dogs lie.»balàa-
baláaka to be still in bed, still lying down (of one)  -LI  (baláahiska, -, -)   [/balaa-ka1] [lgr]  «Baláako. He's still in bed.»balàaka
balàako Neg. ☞balàali
balàali to lay (one long object) down  -LI/CHA-  (balàachi, balàahili, balàahachi)   [/balaa-li] [Irr: DlStem=balasli] [fgr] Pl: balli Neg: balàako  «Ihtofa okchákkofan chabállàalik... He maketh me lie down in green pastures... (TTP)»balàa-
balaalichi to put to bed due to illness, put in the hospital, hospitalize (one)  -LI/CHA-  (balaachichi, balaahilichi, balaahachichi)   [/balaa-li-chi1] Var: balaachi  «Toɬɬoilkak chabalaalichiti. The cold put me to bed.»  «Alikchik chabalaachiti. The doctor put me to sleep.»balàaka
balàana banana { English} Var: banàana  (DB)
baláaska to be still in bed, still lying down (of two)  -LI  (-, baláahilka, baláahaska)   [/balaa<s>-ka1] [lgr] ☞balaska
balaíkko Neg. ☞balàaka
balaska to go to bed, lie down (of two)  -LI  (-, balasilka, balasaska)   [/balaa<s>-ka1] [Irr: SgStem=balàaka; PlStem=balka] Neg: balasíkko ☞balàaka
balasoka Imp. ☞balaska
balhíkko Neg. ☞balka
balhoka Imp. ☞balka
balinna  1.  to be wanted  CHA-   [/ba<li>nna]  2.  need, wantbanna
balissa poverty, weakness; famine, economic depression   [/ba<li>ssi-a] ☞bassi
baliyba heaviness, weight   [/ba<li>yba] ☞bayba
balka to go to bed, lie down (of more than one)  -LI  (-, balhilka, balhaska)   [/bal(aa)-ka1] [dsfx1] [Irr: SgStem=balàaka; DlStem=balaska] Neg: balhíkko  «Balkaamáɬɬok ittiⁿfatliimok hàalot balkatáaton ostistanòolok `moolo' mankamok `tof tof tof tof tof' homankahchi. They would lie down and tell them to each other and they would lie there listening until the person had finished and said `that's all' and then they would say (spitting) `ptui ptui'. (RAS)»  «Balkati. They went to bed.»balàaka
bállàaka to be lying down, in bed, be laid up (in bed), bed-ridden (of one)  -LI  (bállàahiska, -, -)   [/balaa-ka1] [Irr: DlStem=bállaska; PlStem=bàalka] [ggr] Neg: bállaíkko  «Bállàakaton óohcho. He's been in bed a long time.»balàaka
bállaska to be lying down, in bed, be laid up (in bed), bed-ridden (of two)  -LI  (-, bállasilka, bállasaska)   [/balaa<s>-ka1] [Irr: SgStem=bállàaka; PlStem=bàalka] [ggr] ☞balaska
balli to lay (plural objects) down  -LI/CHA-  (balchi, balhili, balhachi)   [/bal(aa)-li] [dsfx1] Neg: bálko ☞balàali
balonka balloon { English}   [/balon-ka1]
baɬapka to cut down, flatten, trample, destroy (especially vegetation) (of an animate agent)  -LI/3  (baɬapiska, baɬaphili, baɬaphachi)   [/baɬap-ka1] Pl: baɬɬichi  «Ittaposan baɬapkalihchi. I'm cutting down the bushes.»baɬapli
baɬápko Neg. ☞baɬapli
baɬapli to destroy, raze, flatten (vegetation), level (as a house) (used of a storm or tornado)   [/baɬap-li]
  baɬápko Neg.
  baɬapka  to cut down
  baɬɬichi  to clear
baɬka grape, raisin
baɬkalocha black grape   [/baɬka /locha]
baɬka okchi ataanapli wine   [/baɬka /okchi /ataanapli]
baɬkapihchi wild grape vine   [/baɬka /apihchi]
baɬkapìhchi okchakko blue vine with thorns, rattan?   [/baɬka /apihchi /okchakko]  (VC)
baɬkokchi grape juice   [/baɬka /okchi]  (VC)
baɬkokchi kamoska wine   [/baɬka /okchi /kamoska]
baɬkokchi kaskaha wine   [/baɬka /okchi /kaskaha]  (VC)
baɬɬichi to thin out, clear, hoe (a field, usually for planting), knock down (e.g. weeds, apples)  -LI/3  (baɬchichi, baɬhilichi, baɬhachichi)   [/baɬ(ap)-li-chi2] [dsfx1] ☞baɬapli
banàana Var. of balàana 
bànko Neg. to not want, dislike  CHA-  «Mobìlkan waliikasbánkobi. The car won't start.»  «...mikkon imonnaaɬaalahoolin anok chabànkohchon sokchon hokfit ishochachókkòolìichihchommo. They want me to become the chief's son-in-law but I don't want to so they put me in a sack and left me sitting. (RAS)»  «Onkatohatáskan aatik hoháalohchootohatáskat hosobáylistáskat akkáaliiyon chokòolahiyon hobánkofòokayo. That's how they said it would be and the Indians heard it and knew about it and they didn't want anyone else living there. (HPC)»  «Lokòokan istaⁿɬakoffaik chabànkobi. I don't want to miss the meeting.»  «Sáhmiimát Waynekaya oolafan aɬɬasbànkohchooti. Sometimes Wayne doesn't want to go to town.»  «Akkáamifòokaya nàason nipo hobànkotoolo nipillawaamok isatoolo. When they did that they wouldn't need any kind of meat because they would have lots of meat. (NHN)»banna
banna  1.  to want (some thing or occurrence), need, like, be inclined to, try; to be taken by  (VC)  CHA-/3  «Hakchommon sóⁿkas chabannok nàksàami óyhaayon sónkat hìichalaapin chabánkon faylilikha. I was trying to smoke and tried all kinds of brands but it wouldn't take me.»  «Bitlis banno. He wants to dance.»  «Bitláik banno. He would like to dance.»  «Talwas chabanna. I want to sing.»  «Talwaalak chabanno. I want to sing.»  «Roykak imalpisalaan chabanno. I want Roy to get ready.»  «Tachilwalaan chabanno. I want you to sing.»  «Ampasàalik alikchoolaan chabanno. I want my son to be a doctor.»  «Alìkchok istiliichabanno. I want to be a doctor.»  «...nàahot nàahómmòonafòokayon Presbyteriyok hachàalaayóot hobannahchoot ommitoolo. ...when they first had a Presbytery, I guess they wanted a building. (HPC)»  «`Chibánnaama isnok ommi', mankan. `If you want, you can be the one', he said. (RAF)»  «Máamin alìilamoolo, naho akkon aⁿfatchiiyok naho akkáhchon píila, aatihóssìinokáhmiyok naho akkáamit sáhchootoomon aⁿfatlilaon chabannahch onkaliti. Well then it is very good that you tell me those things, things just like that; I want the older people to tell me about how it used to be. (NWK)»  «Truckkan waliikasbánnamókkobi. My truck's hard to start.»  2.  to want, need (a person)  CHA-/CHA-  «Chichabanna. I want you.»
  bànko Neg.  to not want
  bannatíkko Neg.  to not want
  bakínno Neg.
  balinna  1.   to be wanted  2.   need, want
  imbanna  to want (something) from
  istimbanna  to recommend
  okibanna  to be thirsty
bannatíkko Neg. to not want, dislike  «Akkàamiiyon chabannatíkkoti. I don't like what happened.»banna
banta gar, carp (described as larger than baacha but the flesh is too tough to be edible)  (VC)
Baptiskaha Baptists   [/Baptis-ka3-ha] { English}  (VC)
  basli  to strike stone
    básko Neg.
    baska  to be shattered
  baska  to chip with a tool
    basoka Imp.
    baslichi  to shatter, flake
      baskìicho Neg.
      baslichitíkko Neg.
basaahachi Var. of basayyachi 
basayyachi species of tall plant, having white flowers in large clusters  (VC) Var: basaahachi  (IB, DB)
basbaki to be striped {reduplication of baski?}
  basbakitíkko Neg.
basbakitíkko Neg. ☞basbaki
basíkko Neg. to be shortbaski
baska1 to be shattered   [/bas-ka1]  «Ochokbak baskahchi. The bottle is shattered.»basli
baska2 to chip, flake with a tool; to shatter (a bottle) to get slivers  Cul: Some say people who have been infected by a witch can be cured by scratching the body with glass pieces to bleed out the bad medicine inserted by the witch. Blood letting also used traditionally to cure toothache or swellings.   -LI/3  (basiska, basilka, basaska)   [/bas-ka1] Neg: basíkko  «Talin baskalo ɬaki tobachaalaok. I'm chipping stone to make an arrowhead.»  «Okchoban basiskahchi stalikchitiskaimo? Did you break the bottle so you could doctor with it?»bas-
báska school bus   [/bás-ka3] { English}  (VC)
baski to be long  «Màamok kapachiyókkoti pokko nahoⁿ, unh, nàasok poɬachíiyok istimoɬachi ittok hobáskihchok tóklot lókkòolin pokkon istittaɬopotliimáaɬok istibihchootoolo. I don't mean the racquet now, the ball, something, the poɬachi, they would take it, the one with the ball goes through those two long poles standing upright and that's how they win. (NSB)»  «Itton hocháklit nahoomok, ittiswakaykakon hotalbòolit hobaskit yáamòosikáhchon (gesture) hotalbòoliimok (gesture) ittimpòoktat howaakayòolihchoolikha. They would chop some of the logs and that's the way they would do; they would make a gadget to lift logs with, they made it about so long (three feet), and got on either side and used to lift that way. (NWK)»
  basíkko Neg.  to be short
  báaski  to be very long
  ibisaanik baskifíina  to be nosey
    ibisaanik baskitíkko Neg.
  maahobaski  to grow out
  baskichi  to lengthen
    ichoolaksin imbaskichi  to stick out (the tongue) at
    baskìichi  to lengthen a little
    isbaskíichi  to talk a long time
baskichi to lengthen, let (the hair) grow long  -LI/3  (baskichiska, baskichilka, baskichaska)  (baskichitiska, baskichitilka, baskichitaska)   [/baski-chi1]  «Chihissin hobaskichi. Let your hair grow long.»  «Isna chihissin hobaskíitiskahchi. You're letting your hair grow long.»baski
baskìichi to lengthen a little, let out a hem  -LI/3  (baskìichitiska, baskìichitilka, baskìichitaska)   [/baski-chi1] [fgr] ☞baskichi
baskìicho Neg. ☞baslichi
básko Neg. ☞bas-
basli to strike stone (flint) to chip or produce sparks; to flake (stone); to shatter (a bottle) to get slivers  -LI/3  (baschi, bashili, bashachi)   [/bas-li] Neg: básko  «Ochokban baslilao. I'm going to shatter a bottle.»bas-
baslichi to break up, shatter glass (esp. to get pieces for bloodletting); to flake (stone for arrows)  -LI/3  (baschichi, bashilichi, bashachichi)   [/bas-li-chi2] Neg: baskìicho, baslichitíkko ☞baska2
baslichitíkko Neg. ☞baslichi
basoka Imp. ☞baska2
bassi to be poor, destitute, poverty-stricken; to be weak physically  CHA-  «Paanifan oɬáaⁿhosifòokayok bássok, tammáaⁿhostik aɬíinat aɬíinat... He had almost gotten to the creek when he started getting weak and he almost fell down. (MBL)»
  imbassi  to be weak
  balissa  poverty, weakness
  báasi  to be weaker, poorer
bàta butter { English}
batapli Var. of batatli 
batasbali bottomland, creek bottom, blacklands; low clearing in woods  Cul: This is rich soil good for planting.  Var: batasbáali  (VC)
batatka  1.  to be hit, struck (one)  CHA-   [/batat-ka1]  2.  swat, blow  «Kowaɬɬit batatka chaⁿhkastík? Break them with just one blow, huh? (NHN)»batatli
batátko Neg. ☞batatli
batátkot istanooli to strike out (in baseball)  -LI/3   [/batat-ki-o2-t ist- /anoo-li] ☞istanooli
batatli to hit (once); to beat in a game Usage: May be newer word than batapli; younger speakers use as idiom to mean `beat in a game'  -LI/CHA-  (batatchi, batathili, batathachi)   [/batat-li] Var: batapli  «Eh, nita ɬooli ponnókkooma yok máamakíilot imoɬahchóot imoɬahchóot máamiima máamifòokamon batatlóostik kowaɬɬit ibihchootoolo. If he (the dog) doesn't know how to chase beers, isn't aware of them, and would maybe come right up to it, if that happens the bear might just swat him and it will break him and kill them. (NHN)»  «Batlit batatlit maapíɬkat sokáffit iswaliikahchootoha. One would hit him repeatedly and knock him down and scalp him and run off with it. (HCW)»  «Chibatlaaló hompànhiliiyon. I'm going to beat you when we play.»  «Chabatliyáɬɬihchooti. She always beats me.»
  batátko Neg.
  batatka  1.   to be hit (of one)  2.   swat, blow
  ibiibatatli  to hit in the face
  ichoobatatli  to hit in the mouth
  isbatatka  bat, club
  ittibatatli  to close up on oneself
    ilbin istittibatatli  to clap (the hands) together
    ittibáttatli  to abut, meet
  ostisbatatli  to hit against something at a distance
  batli  to hit repeatedly
    bátko Neg.
    ilbin istittabatli  to clap hands
    ittobatli  to be the sound of trees snapping
    isbatli  to hit with an instrument
      isbatka  hitting instrument
    istitabatli  to bounce (on the ground)
      hachistitabatli  to beat the tail on the ground
    maabatli  to knock at the door
    batka  1.   whipping  2.   to be hit repeatedly
  issakbasbatapli  to hit with the elbow
bátchàali to wear (a ribbon) in the hair  -LI/3  (bátchàachi, bátchàahilaski, bátchàahachi)   [/bachaa-li] [ggr]  «Bachaktapaskin chahissifayon bátchàalilao. I'm wearing a ribbon in my hair.»bachaali
batimokchi Var. of batokchi 
batka  1.  whipping   [/bat(at)-ka$] [dsfx1]  2.  to be hit repeatedly, beaten, whipped  CHA-batli
bátko Neg.  «Battákkoti. I didn't beat him up.»  «Hopobatlilahotoolíiní hopobátkokha. They were supposedly going to whip us but they didn't. (NIA)»batli
batli to whip, hit (plural objects or repeatedly), beat up, tap, rap  -LI/CHA-  (batchi, bathili, bathachi)   [/bat(at)-li] [dsfx1] Neg: bátko  «Máamin hopobatlilahotoolo. Then they were going to whip us supposedly. (NIA)»batatli
batokchi buttermilk   [/bata /okchi] Var: batimokchi
baya oak, esp. white oak; red oak (Quercus alba)  «Bayo. That's an oak.»
bayaɬi acorn   [/baya /aɬi]
bayba  1.  to be heavy; to be a certain weight  CHA-  «Chabaybayyok táɬɬìipo. My weight is one hundred pounds.»  «Chabaybas táɬɬìipalo. I weigh one hundred pounds.»  2.  to weigh a certain amount  -LI  (baybatiska, baybatilka, baybataska)  «Taɬɬìipas tóklon baybatilko. We weigh two hundred pounds.»  «Taɬɬìipan baybalo. I weigh one hundred pounds.»
  bakíybo Neg.
  baliyba  heaviness
  báyba  to be heavier
  isbayba  scale
  baybachi  to weigh (something)
    isbaybachilka  scale
báyba to be heavier  CHA-   [/bayba] [hgr]  «Yá yon istimbáybo. This is heavier than this.»bayba
Bayba Bible { English}  (VC)
baybachi to weigh (something)  -LI/CHA-  (baybachitiska, baybachitilka, baybachitaska)  (baybchiska, baybachilka, baybachaska)   [/bayba-chi1]  «Chastokin baybachiliti. I weighed the beans.»  «Alikchik chabaybachiti. The doctor weighed me.»bayba
Baybalka Bible { English}   [/baybal-ka3]
baybascháffàaka one pound   [/bayba ist- /cháffàaka]  (VC)
baybastáɬɬìipan poolistòklo one ton   [/bayba ist- /táɬɬìipa-n /pooli ist- /tòklo-n]  (VC)
bàykka bicycle   [/bàyk-ka3] { English `bike'}
bifítko Neg. ☞bifitli
bifitli to be steam, steamy, steaming; to evaporate (of a liquid)   [/bifit-li]
  bifítko Neg.
  onabifitli  to spray with steam
  bifitlichi  to steam (something)
    onabifitlichi  to steam (something)
bifitlichi to steam (something such as vegetables)  -LI/3  (bifitchichi, bifithilichi, bifithachichi)   [/bifit-li-chi1] ☞bifitli
bihala Var. of bihi 
bihi1 red mulberry; fig (Morus rubra; Ficus spp) Var: bihala  (IB)
bihi2 bow, gun, rifle, shotgun, blowgun
  bihosi  twenty-two caliber rifle
bihichampóoli fig preserves   [/bihi1 /champoli] [lgr]  «Bihichampóolihchon libatliliti. I cooked fig preserves.»
bihichoba1 fig; red mulberry (Ficus spp.; Morus rubra)   [/bihi1 /choba]
bihichoba2 thirty-thirty rifle, thirty-aught-six rifle, shotgun   [/bihi2 /choba]  (VC)
bihi iⁿhalatilka trigger on a gun   [/bihi2 im- /halat<il>-ka1]  (VC)
bihi intali barrel of gun   [/bihi2 im- /tali]  (VC)
bihikoboksi pistol   [/bihi2 /koboksi]  (VC)
bihimaɬatli red mulberry; wild fig (Morus rubra; Ficus spp)   [/bihi1 /maɬat-li]
bihi mastimilhicha sight on a gun barrel   [/bihi2 maast-im-il- /hicha]
bihinɬaki bullet, ammunition shell, gun cartridge   [/bihi2 im- /ɬaki]  (VC)
bihipofilka blowgun; blowgun dart   [/bihi2 /pof<il>ka1]  (VC)
bihipokta double-barreled shotgun   [/bihi2 /pokta]  (VC)
bihistimpaachakafka hammer on a gun   [/bihi2 ist-im-paa- /chakaf-ka1]  (VC)
bihistimpaachakka hammer on a gun   [/bihi2 ist-im-paa- /chak(af)-ka1]  (VC)
bihistimpaayilhicha sight on a gun barrel   [/bihi2 ist-im-paa-il- /hicha]  (VC) Var: bihistimpaalhicha  (VC)
bihitokàalislawa any automatic weapon   [/bihi2 /tokah-li ist- /lawa] Var: bihitokaalislawa  (VC)
bihitokaalisnámpo machine gun, automatic gun   [/bihi2 /tokah-li ist- /námpo]  (VC)
bihli to have sexual intercourse with; to rape  -LI/CHA-  (bihchi, bihhili, bihhachi)   [/bih-li]  (VC) Var: biili  (VC)  «Tayyihon iswaliikok bihli. To have sex with a woman who tries to run away (i.e. rape).»  «Chibihlili. I do it to you (only a man would say this).»  «Chabihchi. You do it to me (only a woman would say this).»
  ittibihli  to have sexual intercourse with one another
bihosi twenty-two caliber rifle   [/bihi-osi]  (VC)bihi2
  biiffi  to scrape off
    bìifko Neg.
  biifka  to fall out
    imbiifka  to shed
    biiffichi  to cause to fall out
      imbiiffichi  to cause (someone's hair) to fall out
biiffi to scrape off, pull off (hair, fur, feathers, etc.)  -LI/CHA-  (biifchi, biifhili, biifhachi)   [/biif-li] Neg: bìifko  (VC)  «Biifchi. You scrape it off.»  «Chabiiffi. He pulled my hair off.»biif-
biiffichi to cause (the hair) to fall out  -LI/3  (biifchichi, biifhilichi, biifhachichi)   [/biif-li-chi1] ☞biifka
biifka to fall out (of hair or feathers)   [/biif-ka1] Neg: biifíkko ☞biif-
bìifko Neg. ☞biiffi
bìika letter `B'   [/bìi-ka3] { English}
biili Var. of bihli 
bìitli dancer   [/bit-li] [fgr] Var: bìtli  (DB)bitli
Bikɬikitka the Big Thicket   [/Bik /ɬikit-ka3] { English}  «Miitamóok [sic] nita hoɬòolit nákson tàalon Bikɬikìtkáhokáhchoolo. Some of the others would go after bears, somewhere down this way, somewhere in the Big Thicket. (NHN)»
bíknilatakàaka apron   [/bíkno ili- /atakaa-ka1]
bíkno  1.  to be younger, to have an older sibling of the opposite sex, have an older brother or sister; to be behind, have someone ahead of one  3/CHA-  «Wandaya chabíknon hátchàalo. Wanda is ahead of me in line.»  «Wandak chabíkno. Wanda is my older sister (man speaking).»  «Chabíknon hátchàahcho. You are standing in front of me.»  «Okhicha bíknòosin okik ootalàakahchi. There's always a little puddle in front of the gate.»  2.  to be older than; to be in front of, ahead of in time or space, be before, previous  -LI/CHA-  (bíknotiska, bíknotilka, bíknotaska)  «Snok chabíknotiskahchi. You're older than me.»  «Ana Jimkan bíknoli Clemka ittàasan. I'm older than Jim and Clem both.»  «Akkáamilaan akkok bíknoyáaliiyon iyaanin ohiⁿfaylifòokok tatkayok íkson nàasok íkson aatimìntakáhchi tribe-kóot chokóokolaon óonkafòokayon... That's the way it was going to be, that one (the reservation) before that time when they let them have the land, there were no whites, there was no one, no other kinds of people or tribes could live there, that's how they said it was going to be. (HPC)»  «Bíkno aalokoolichòobootoomok hachaaliiyok bíknòosin mootoomok tatkayok ilchokòokoláat ommitoolin. Before the old church house was standing, a little before that, it used to be that whites were not going to come live here. (NPC)»  3.  older sibling of the opposite sex Usage: For some speakers, older sibling of either sex; for some, opposite sex only.  CHA-
  imbíkno  to be an older sibling
  bíknòosi  a little while before
bíkno atakàaka apron; penis Usage: Secondary meaning may be a euphemism.   [/bíkno /atakaa-ka1] Var: biknatakàaka  (VC)
bíknòosi a little while before   [/bíkno-osi] [fgr]  «Bíkno aalokoolichòobootoomok hachaaliiyok bíknòosin mootoomok tatkayok ilchokòokoláat ommitoolin. Before the old church house was standing, a little before that, it used to be that whites were not going to come live here. (NPC)»bíkno
bila to melt, be melted
  bilatíkko Neg.
  imbila  to have something melt accidentally
    imbilatíkko Neg.
  bilaachi  to melt (something)
    bilaatíkko Neg.
    onabilaachi  weld
      istonabilaachilka  welder, soldering iron
bilaachi to melt (something), make melt  -LI/3  (bilaatiska, bilaatilka, bilaataska)  (bilaachiska, bilaachilka, bilaachaska)   [/bila-chi1] Neg: bilaatíkko ☞bila
bilaatíkko Neg.  «Baatan bilaatíkkobi. He didn't melt the butter.»bilaachi
bilatíkko Neg. ☞bila
bilohli to be limber, flexible (as a switch); to be weak-kneed, wobbly (as a sick person or newborn animal); to shake, jiggle (as jelly); to be elastic, stretchy  (IB) Usage: Newer word.  CHA-   [/biloh-li] Var: bilòoli  (VC)  «Ittosohkachiya bilòolihchoolo. The board is flexible.»
bilokhòmma Var. of bolokhòmma 
bilòoli Var. of bilohli 
  biɬìili  to point at
    biɬìiko Neg.
    imbiɬìili  to point out to
      maatimbiɬìili  to point out the way to
    isbiɬìili  to point at with something
    biɬiilichi  to appoint to (a position)
      imbiɬiilichi  to make an appointment for
      biɬiikachi  to be appointed
        biɬiikachitíkko Neg.
    biɬìika  to be pointed at
  biɬiika  to poke a hole in the ground
    biɬka  to poke holes in the ground
      biɬoka Imp.
      isbiɬka  to dig holes for planting with a hoe
biɬiika to poke a hole in the ground to plant a seed Usage: Some speakers reject this as the singular of biɬka, viewing it as related only to pointing.  -LI/3  (biɬiihiska, biɬiihilka, biɬiihaska)   [/biɬii-ka1] Pl: biɬka Neg: biɬiíkko ☞biɬìi-
biɬìika to be pointed at (some use this to mean `to point at' but for others that would mean pointing or leaning towards with the whole body)  CHA-   [/biɬii-ka1] [fgr] ☞biɬìili
biɬiikachi to be appointed  CHA-   [/biɬii-ka1-chi1] Neg: biɬiikachitíkko  «Anok mikkaalaan chabiɬiikachiti. I was appointed.»  «Mikkaalaan hochabiɬiikachiti. They appointed me chief.»biɬiilichi
biɬiikachitíkko Neg.  «Chabiɬiikachitíkko. I didn't get appointed.»biɬiikachi
biɬìiko Neg. ☞biɬìili
biɬìili to point at  -LI/CHA-  (biɬìichi, biɬìihili, biɬìihachi)   [/biɬii-li] [fgr] Neg: biɬìiko  «Akaakan biɬìililo. I pointed to the chicken.»  «Chabiɬìichínna! Don't point at me!»biɬìi-
biɬiilichi to appoint to (a position); to point at for (a reason)  -LI/CHA-  (biɬiichichi, biɬiihilichi, biɬiihachichi)   [/biɬii-li-chi1] Var: isbiɬiilichi  (DB)  «Chibiɬiilichilo hochissolahon. I appointed you to do the writing.»biɬìili
biɬka to poke holes in the ground to plant seeds  -LI/3  (biɬiska, biɬilka, biɬaska)   [/biɬ(ii)-ka1] [dsfx1] Neg: biɬíkko ☞biɬiika
biɬko common persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)
biɬoka Imp. ☞biɬka
binàaka to be torn up  CHA-   [/bina(f)-ka1] [dsfx2] [fgr] ☞binàali
binàali to tear up (plural objects)  -LI/3  (binàachi, binàahili, binàahachi)   [/bina(f)-li] [dsfx2] [fgr] Neg: binàako ☞binaffi
binaffi to tear apart, rend in two  -LI/CHA-  (binafchi, binafhili, binafhachi)   [/binaf-li]
  binaffichi  to cultivate the ground
    imbinaffichi  to plow for
    binafkachi  1.   to be plowed  2.   plowing
    isbinafkachi  plow
  binafka  1.   to erode; to be torn  2.   avalanche, tear
    maabinafka  to erode and collapse
  binàali  to tear up
    binàaka  to be torn up
binaffichi to plow, till, turn soil, cultivate the ground  -LI/3  (binafchichi, binafhilichi, binafhachichi)   [/binaf-li-chi2] ☞binaffi
binafka  1.  to erode, cave in, wash out, crumble in (of dirt); to be torn   [/binaf-ka1] Pl: binàaka Neg: binafíkko  2.  avalanche, tearbinaffi
binafkachi  1.  to be plowed, tilled   [/binaf-ka1-chi2]  2.  plowing, tilling  «Binafkachiya intoliino chobaama. Plowing is a big job.»  «Binafkachi akkàamiyóok sáhmiima oittimachihlistobahchoolikha. As for doing things like plowing, they used to help each other in planting. (NWK)»binaffichi
binìiko Neg. ☞biniili
biniili to go visiting; to sit  (JS) Usage: The meaning `sit' is archaic or possibly from Mobilian or Chickasaw.  -LI  (biniichi, biniihili, biniihachi)
  binìiko Neg.
  binìili  visitor
  imbiniili  to visit
binìili visitor   [/binii-li] [fgr]  «Ambinìilik illisti. My visitor died.»biniili
bisíkko Neg. ☞biska
bisipka to stick, gore with the horns or antlers (once)  -LI/CHA-  (bisipiska, bisipilka, bisipaska)   [/bisip-ka1]
  biska  to stick more than once
    bisíkko Neg.
    ittibiska  to butt heads
bisisihka a very small woodpecker  Cul: When a person hears this bird call it means something is going to happen, either good or bad. Its whistle sounds nervous. If heard in the morning it means good news, at night it means bad news.   (IB)
biska to stick (more than once), gore repeatedly with the horns or antlers  -LI/CHA-  (bisiska, bisilka, bisaska)   [/bis(ip)-ka1] [dsfx1] Neg: bisíkko ☞bisipka
bitiima to be spoiled, smelly, decomposing (of dead things), stink Usage: Said of a person, teasing remark.  CHA-  «Chibitiima! Oh, you stink!»
bitka dance   [/bit-ka1] ☞bitli
bitka intáalwa caller at a dance, singer for dancers   [/bit-ka1 im- /talwa] [ggr]
bitkastittayapka stealing dance (a game like óolanwi)   [/bit-ka1 ist-itti- /ayap-ka1]  (VC)
bitli to dance  -LI  (bitchi, bithili, bithachi)   [/bit-li]  «`Ischakostínkokáhchooti bitliliimok', mankaabíika. `I always act crazy when I dance', he kept saying. (RAS)»  «Bitlitomáaɬok istitahaatánnatlit yáhmit istitahaatánnatlit wìikat. He began to dance and turned around like this and kept on turning around. (RAS)»
  ibaabitli  to dance with
  bìitli  dancer
  bitlosi  toy top
  isbitka  dancing costume
  bitka  dance
  aabitka  dance grounds
bitlosi toy top   [/bit-li-osi]  (VC)bitli
biya beer { English}
biyakha hawk species, poss. chicken hawk Var: biyakka  (VC, IB, DB)
biyakka Var. of biyakha 
biyyòkha strawberry
bokboki  1.  hills, mounds, a bunch of ant hills {reduplicated plural from bokko?}  (VC)  2.  to be rolling (of land), hilly, lumpybokko
bokbokislawa mountain range   [/bokboki-osi /lawa]
bokbokissoba mountain range   [/bokboki-osi /choba]
bokfòhko Neg. ☞bokfooli
bokfooli  1.  to be moldy, mildewed  «Awwilok bokfooliiso. My shoes mildewed.»  2.  mildew, mold  (VC)
  bokfòhko Neg.
bokko any protuberance, esp. rounded (may refer to mound, lump, bump, hump; hill, mountain; slant, grade in a road)  «Ya paabókkòosifaayon chikìikaamon, antaatootoha, intaatootoomok anchókkòotooliisan híichalihchoolikha. They settled over here up on that little hill, my father's father used to live there and I used to see that. (NWK)»
  bokkotíkko Neg.
  imbokko  to have a lump
  bokkòssi  hill
  paabokko  to be hunchbacked
  bokkoschaaha  mountain
  bokboki  1.   hills  2.   to be hilly
bókko Neg. ☞bokli
bokkoschaaha mountain   [/bokko-osi /chaaha] ☞bokko
bokkòssi hill (one)   [/bokko-osi-hchi] [fgr] ☞bokko
bokkotíkko Neg. ☞bokko
bokli to shuck, shell, hull (peas) (when you bokli, peas are beaten in a sack to remove hulls; fosli refers to shelling with the fingers) Usage: Older word.  -LI/3  (bokchi, bokhili, bokhachi)   [/bok-li]
  bókko Neg.
bokoko drum
  bokoko batli  to beat a drum
bokokobàatli drummer   [/bokoko /bat(at)-li] [fgr]
bokoko batli to beat a drum, to drum  -LI/3   [/bokoko /bat(at)-li] ☞bokoko
bokokolàachi drummer   [/bokoko /ola-chi1] [fgr]
bolbo kidneys  CHA-
bollokha type of small sunfish  (VC) Var: bollókha  (VC)
bolokhòmma various reddish sunfish, red `perch', bream   [poss. /bolokta /homma] [fgr] Var: bilokhòmma  (IB, DB)
bolokta to be circular, ringlike, round; to double (e.g. a recipe)
  boloktachi  to surround; to make round
    boloktachitíkko Neg.
boloktachi to circle, make a circle around, surround; to make round, make in a circle  -LI/3  (boloktachiska, boloktachilka, boloktachaska)  (boloktachitiska, boloktachitilka, boloktachitaska)   [/bolokta-chi1] Neg: boloktachitíkko ☞bolokta
boloktachitíkko Neg. ☞boloktachi
bomboki to be round, mounded, contoured (as planted rows) (of more than one)  «Nàasalchiiyaya isbombokihchi. The planted rows are mounded (or curved).»
  bombokitíkko Neg.
  istibiibomboki  cabbage
  ispaabomboki  cabbage
  bombóoki  to be spherical
bombokitíkko Neg. ☞bomboki
bombóoki to be rounded, spherical   [/bomboki] [lgr] ☞bomboki
bonka testicle; scrotum  AM-p
bonnichi to make little mounds (for planting), roll into balls  -LI/3  (bonchichi, bonhilichi, bonhachichi)   [/bon(ot)-li-chi1] [dsfx1] ☞bonotli
bonolee Happy New Year! Usage: An old expression people would say at Christmas time. {poss.  French `bonne annee' or `bon Noel' or, as suggested by VC, poss. related to bonotli in the idiomatic sense of `wrap it up and put away the old year'} Var: bonoli  (VC)
bonoli Var. of bonolee 
bonotka  1.  to be round, spherical, circular (of one)   [/bonot-ka1]  2.  mound, bunbonotli
bonòtko Neg. ☞bonotli
bonotli to roll up; to put up (hair) in a bun, wear (hair) in a bun; to roll (one object) into a mound as for planting, mound  -LI/3  (bonotchi, bonothili, bonothachi)   [/bonot-li]
  bonòtko Neg.
  ilbi bonotli  to make a fist
    ilbi imbonotli  to shake a fist at
  bonotka  1.   to be spherical, circular  2.   mound, bun
    paabonotka  to be round-shouldered
  bonnichi  to make mounds, roll into balls
bonotlit ittachitìili to tie (two ends) into a knot, make a knot in  -LI/3   [/bonot-li-t itti- /achitìi-li] ☞ittachitìili
bòsi bushel { English}  «Bòsi cháffàaka. One bushel.»
boska to knead (dough for bread)  -LI/3  (bosiska, bosilka, bosaska)   [/bos-ka1]  «Boskat boskat anóslok maakon alpiisatonkáamon ohooyaapittahch ommihchoolikha. They kneaded it and kneaded it completely and again until it was ready and then used to always put it in the water. (PBB)»
boslichi to sprinkle (of weather), be a light rain shower; to mist, be misty   [/bos-li-chi2]  «Himàakaya boslichihchoolo. It's been sprinking today.»
boso Shake hands! Hello, how are you? Usage: Greeting used as when going to shake hands; rather old-fashioned.  (VC)
bosòoli to be broken in pieces (of more than one)   [/boso(t)-li] [dsfx2] [fgr]  (VC)bosotli
bosòtko Neg. ☞bosotli
bosotli  1.  to chip off, crumble, be crumbled, shatter, crack up, break apart   [/bosot-li]  «Iisalapaalikak bosotliti. The wall crumbled.»  2.  crumbs  «Paspachampoli imbosotli. Cookie crumbs.»
  bosòtko Neg.
  bóssotli  to have been broken to pieces (and left that way)
    bóssòtko Neg.  to be still unbroken
  imbosotli  to have something chip on one
    istimbosotli  to have something chip on one when one is using it
  bosotlichi  to crush
    imbosotlichi  to crush for
    isbosotkachi  crusher
  bosòoli  to be broken in pieces (pl.)
bosotlichi to crush, crumble, break into pieces, shatter (may refer to cashing a check in a bank or breaking a large bill)  -LI/3  (bosotchichi, bosothilichi, bosothachichi)   [/bosot-li-chi1]  «Toknaawa táɬɬìipan bosotlichiliti. I broke a hundred dollar bill.»bosotli
bóssòtko Neg. to be still unbroken, intactbóssotli
bóssotli to have been broken to pieces (and left that way)   [/bosot-li] [ggr] Neg: bóssòtko ☞bosotli
botoíkko Neg. to be not ground upbotooka
botooka  1.  to be ground up, shattered   [/botoo-ka1] Neg: botoíkko  2.  crumbsbotooli
botòoko Neg. ☞botooli
botooli to grind  -LI/3  (botoochi, botoohili, botoohachi)   [/botoo-li]
  botòoko Neg.
  botòoli  miller
  isbotooka  grindstone
  botooka  1.   to be ground up  2.   crumbs
    botoíkko Neg.  to be not ground up
botòoli miller, person who grinds   [/botoo-li] [fgr] ☞botooli
boyhoka Imp. ☞boyka
boyíkko Neg. to not hoeboyka
boyka to hoe  -LI  (boyiska, boyilka, boyaska)   [/boy-ka1]
  boyíkko Neg.  to not hoe
  boyhoka Imp.
  imboyka  to hoe (weeds) out of
boyòoli for dust to rise in a cloud; to disperse, scatter (of more than one)  3; -LI  (-, boyòohili, boyòohachi)   [/boyo(t)-li] [dsfx2] [fgr] Neg: boyòoko ☞boyotli
boyotli to be a cloud of dust; to scatter (of a mass); to start up, take off suddenly, fly away, bolt; to ejaculate semen  -LI  (boyotchi, boyothili, boyothachi)   [/boyot-li]  «Ittohissik boyotlimoolo. The (pile of) leaves all scattered.»
  imboyotli  semen, orgasm
  boyotlichi  to raise a cloud of
    imboyotlichi  to cause to ejaculate
    itaboyotlichi  to raise a cloud of
  boyòoli  to disperse
boyotlichi to stir up a cloud of, raise a cloud of (e.g. dust), scatter; to gin (cotton)  -LI/3  (boyotchichi, boyothilichi, boyothachichi)   [/boyot-li-chi1]  «Mobìlkak sanchon boyotlichiimoolo. The car kicked up a big cloud of sand.»  «Pakaalin hoboyotlichiti. They ginned the cotton.»boyotli
brasìiya brassiere { English}