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The PsyClinic has a custom configuration to meet their needs while navigating the situation around the coronavirus. There are currently no plans for making Riverstick available from off-campus; Zoom HIPAA will be used instead.

Computer Access

Office PC via RDP (for full-time faculty/staff)

We encourage Psychology faculty/staff who have been setup to use RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) to connect to their office PCs to use that where possible.

Using this method means you're using your work computer as if you were in your office. That means you don't have to do any of the following: install any new software (beyond potentially VPN and RDP software), log into services, gain access to files, or spend time configuring your workflow.

From your office PC, you can access Titanium Schedule and the new PsyClinic share on Filestore. Note that you should use your local PC/Mac for Zoom (i.e. don't try to run Zoom through RDP).

CAS-managed Laptops

The PsyClinic Office has MacBook Airs available for usage by clinicians during a TeleHealth session. These MacBooks already meet HIPAA requirements and are intended for use by clinicians during the session only. When checking out the laptop, the clinician needs to follow a few basic steps:

  1. Ensure the MacBook Air is plugged into a USB Network dongle and powered on.
  2. If the MacBook Air is already powered on and at a logon prompt for Psychology Clinic, the office staff will need to login to unlock the devices encryption.
    • Once logged in, log out (don't reboot), and the laptop should be ready for the next step.
  3. If the MacBook Air is already powered on and at a logon prompt with no username supplied, enter your EUID and password.

Note: these MacBook Airs cannot be used to run Titanium Schedule.

Personal Computers

Personal computers can be used, but certain care should taken to be sure that HIPAA sensitive data is protected. Personal computers should be:

Zoom HIPAA (Remote Riverstick)

UNT has created a Telehealth sub account in Zoom. Most of you have already had your Zoom accounts moved to this HIPAA-compliant subaccount. If your Zoom account is not setup for Telehealth, please contact Konner.Gonzalez [at] unt [dot] edu to get that arranged.

Some of you may have accounts in both places, where your "standard" Zoom account is your preferred UNT e-mail address and you login to; then your telehealth Zoom account uses a different e-mail alias tied to your UNT account and you login to with that alias and a different password to access it. Likely you would have discussed this already with Dr. Cox, Steven, and/or Chris Worley.

You should use your local PC/Mac for Zoom meetings. Don't try to run Zoom through an RDP connection to another PC unless you're looking to have a bad time.

Zoom's HIPAA BAA will be used to conduct remote telesessions with clients. Cloud recordings are not allowed for these types of sessions. You should also not be saving any session recordings directly to your computer. They need to be saved to your folder in the new PsyClinic file share.

We recommend you test this process with a colleague before meeting with a real client.

WARNING: Be sure to connect to the PsyClinic file share BEFORE you begin a Zoom meeting with a client. At the end of the session, Zoom will ask you where to save the video file - this is when you'll specify to save it to the PsyClinic file share - if you didn't already have PsyClinic mapped to your computer, you might not be able to map it easily after-the-fact.

To access the PsyClinic fileshare

  • If accessing from a personal computer (you probably are): Connect to the UNT VPN first (PC and Mac users should use the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client, which can be downloaded from
  • Connect to the PsyClinic filestore:
    • Windows: \\\CASResearch\PsyClinic
    • MacOS: smb://
  • Save your Zoom video/audio file(s) to your appropriate sub-folder once your meeting is over (Zoom should ask you where to save them to once the meeting has ended.)
    • This will likely be a slow process, as video files are large, and you're uploading them over the internet and the VPN.

    This is not permanent storage. Files are automatically deleted from PsyClinic's filestore after 30 days. If you need to keep a file indefinitely, append .KEEP to the filename. So zoom_0.mp4 would be renamed to: zoom_0.KEEP.mp4.

    Accessing Titanium Schedule

    Titanium Schedule can only be accessed from a UNT domain bound computer. If you're working from home, connect to your office PC (fulltime fac/staff) or to the Desktop Streaming service.