Course-Specific: access is limited to UNT students currently enrolled in one or more specific classes offered by the department. Contact individual labs for more info.
General Access: unlimited access to all currently-enrolled UNT students. Limited access for UNT faculty and staff.
Instructional: access is limited to students enrolled in courses being taught in that lab, and only during normally-scheduled class times.
Kiosk: unlimited access to all UNT students, faculty and staff with a valid EUID
Lab | Lab Type | Hours | MACs | PCs | Printer | Scanner | More Info | |
Physics Instructional Center (PHYS 209, 209AA, 209D) | Course Specific | Mon-Thu: 10am - 5pm, Fri: 10am - 4pm, Sat - Sun: Closed | 0 | 40 | Monochrome | No Scanner | |
Physics Labs (PHYS 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 227, 228, 229) | Course Specific | 0 | 81 | No Scanner | |
Physiology Labs (LSC A319, A320) | Course Specific | 0 | 24 | No Scanner | |
Teach North Texas (CURY 316) | Course Specific | Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm, Sat - Sun: Closed | 0 | 5 | No Scanner | 940-565-2265 |
UNT-HHMI (LSC A218) | Course Specific | 0 | 8 | Monochrome | No Scanner | |
Writing Center (SAGE 150) | Instructional | Monday - Thursday: 9am - 9pm, Friday: 9am - 3pm | 0 | 6 | No Scanner | 940-565-2563 |