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Borrowing Laptops from the Libraries

The UNT Libraries provides laptop checkouts to currently enrolled UNT students. Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students should visit the library in person with their UNT ID card to checkout a laptop. Laptops must be returned to the service desk from where they were originally checked out.

Laptop Checkout Locations

The following library service desks provide laptop checkouts during hours of operation. MacBooks are only available at Willis Library.

Laptop Checkout Terms

Please see this page regarding circulation loan periods, fines, etc.

Saving Your Work

  • Do not save any files to the laptops hard drive. They will be erased when the laptop is turned off.
  • Files can be saved to a personal storage device or your UNT Student Storage Space on OneDrive.
  • Once the computer is shut down, any files saved on the hard drive will be erased.

Technical Assistance

  • Library staff does not provide technical or software support for users.
  • If you experience problems with your borrowed laptop, please return it to the appropriate desk. You will be given another laptop, if available.
  • Technical Support and Software Application questions may be directed to the Spark or (940) 369-5259.

Laptop Use Guidelines, Reminders, and Software

It is important for laptop borrowers to understand the intent of the laptop lending program. The program is maintained by the Facilities and Systems department of the Library. Please visit the Spark website for more information on the Laptop Lending program.