There are different types of computer accounts that you may need to use resources provided by Computing for Arts + Sciences:
Students Logging into CAS-Managed Computers
Students can already login to CAS-managed computers using their EUID; however, they must specify the STUDENTS domain when doing so.
Notice that by default you sign in to the UNT
That can be changed by simply specifying the STUDENTS
domain before your EUID, as shown:
Accounts for UNT Students
If you are a UNT Student, you already have an EagleConnect account. Your EagleConnect account will be activated the first time you login to it. You can find more information at the UNT Helpdesk.
Accounts for CAS Student Employees
If you are a UNT student employed by one of the departments or groups within the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences or the College of Science (this includes TAs and TFs), you will use a Windows Workstation account to login on the CAS-managed computer in your office or work area. Windows Workstation accounts are provided by CAS Information Technology Services. Your supervisor (a full-time faculty or staff member) must fill out our New Account Request Form. All student employees will be given a Outlook/Exchange Account.
Forgot Your Password?
If you can't remember your CAS Windows Workstation account password, visit AMS to reset your password.