London, England

Covent Garden 2-B



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Place: Covent Garden, London
Element: Iridium, Osmium
Scientist: Tennant; Hatchett

1747 map section of the Thames

map identifications

just to the east

map identifications

Victoria Embankment 1865-1870

close-up of the area

Savoy Place

The view is north

Ivybridge Lane extends almost to the Strand

statue of Faraday

site of Hatchett's birthplace

western end of Long Acre

historic coach-making


business of John Hatchett

fashion clothes store

Charles Hatchett

the view southeast

luxury automobiles

Hatchett's coach-making business

Stanfords (book store)

source of maps

East of the Hatchett coach-making business

home of the Royal Society

Inside the courtyard

entrance to the earlier Royal Society

old print of the Royal Society

Royal Society (1666-1673)

southernmost building

The Strand is the cross street

Crown and Anchor

Crown and Anchor drawing

inset shows the "crown and anchor"

St. Clements Church

Ben Johnson's statue

The Crown and Anchor

the Temple area

The Temple Bar area

the southern access of the Temple today

southern portion of Garden Court

Middle Temple Hall

where Tennant lived

Fountain Court

Royal Courts of Justice

gate separating London and Westminster

griffin of the Temple Bar

Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland





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