Linklater Warm-Up:

Stretch and drop-build up-

neck rolls-

with your hands loosen your jaw-

stretch and release the tongue-

limber the soft palate-

yawn and stretch all over-

roll the head-

drop over and build up slowly-

find posture and check balance-become aware of your skeleton-

become aware of your breathing-

allow the breath to release on a short /f/ until it becomes involuntary-

touch on sound with a bounced huh-huh-

vibrate the lips on a huh-hummmmmmmuh-

move the lips around on vibration-

blow out through lips-

isolate top lip on a sneer up and down-

isolate lower lip up and down-

stretch your lips sideways with your fingers-let them go-

whisper we-wa over-using the lips-

blow out on sound through lips and changing pitch-

repeat huhummmmmma on different glides down-

roll head on a hum changing directions 6-7 times-

drop over on a hum-

build up and release sound on /ha:/-

repeat several times gliding up and down-speak huh-hummmmmha-

sigh out from centre and loosen tongue on hee-yuh-yuh-yuh-yuh-yuh-yuh-

repeat gliding down-he-yuh-yuh-yuh-

repeat with a drop and build-breath in and out on a whispered /ka:/-

yawn the two ways-

sigh out from centre over stretched soft palate on down glides with hi-yi-yi-yi-yi using the back of the tongue-

call on a hi-

drop the head back and connect /ha:/ to the centre-

go through the three positions of head position /ha:/, /huh/, /hi:/ repeat-

glide through the positions-

resonant ladder-

call out on a hey-

roll down to a semi-supine explore any of these for further release.








Alternative Warm up


skip around room, turn into a jog-take it into a walk keeping the energy. 

Still –

open the ribs on a stretch, voice and pat the ribs to open resonators. 

Open the front of the ribs by grasping the hands behind the back-

out breath on a /sh/ sound. 

Drop over, open up to open sound and bounce-

build up on sound. 

Stretch shoulders by pulling arm across the chest with other arm on a /sh/ sound raising from bent knee. 

Nod while releasing the jaw with a yawn. 

Drop head and place hands on back of the head for a stretch. 

Neck stretches with breath out on /sh/. 

Test mobility of head.

 Further head drops and stretches. 

Shake it out.

Touch on sound with /huh/, connect breath with sound, pant it-easy onset do not push.  Sigh and glide /a-ha:/ shake it out. 

/Hummah/ and then repeat with a shake, take it down with a drop, build up-shake on it.  Rib breathing-on a /shzee/ sound keep ribs engaged and pant it out quite vigorously. 

On a /ju:/ sound keep the ribs up and breathe from the abs quite strongly but keep the head and neck out of it-no collapse. 

On an /oh/ fill the space with sound switch to /i:/. 

Open the resonators by stretching them on pitch and placement.  /KAY-WAY/. 

Pull the lips back over the teeth, open mouth and tongue-twisters. 

Massage the jaw. 

Iron and then yawn while holding the jaw open, use the hands to close it.  Shake out jaw.  Loosen tongue. 

Horizontal yawn, wide yawn.  Tongue stretches. 

Tongue twisters with pushed out tongue. 

Velum stretches on in-out breath /ka:/ unvoiced. 

Call and response /Hiiieeeee/, feel it moving over the velum and hard palate. 

I ask “Do you like ice-cream”?  They answer /mmhmm/-

take that to a yes and play with it. 

Take that to /yeeeessiiiieeee with shake and glide up.

/Me-me-me-me/ nasal ping. 

Same sound vibrate top of head. 

Chest /ma:/ and pat to resonate into belly and pat,

pat legs and hip area on /ma:/ and /mow/. 

Meows-sliding through resonators and pitch ending with shakes and glides.

Resonant scales. 

Pull the space toward you instead of pushing to it. 

Put /j/ sound in front of long vowels.

 Repeat easily on lower volume.

Articulation-me-ma-mo-bebabo-dedado-nenano-lelalo-reraro-babobubaybabobebay-swithch plosives.

Tongue twisters.

Make shapes in the mouth, mirror it with the body. 

More tongue twisters.