3. Sample text: Raven abandons his son.

3.1. Text with interlinear analysis.
1.  √mə́k̕ʷ   √kʷəčíl̕  ʔi     əw̕       √k̕ʷəw̕ə́y̕kʷ      tsə  s√páal̕.
    √every  √day     ACCOM  CONTEMP  √fishing(ACT)  DEM  S√Raven

2.  √ŋə́n̕   tsə  ŋən+√ŋə́nəʔ-s  tsəw̕níɬ  s√páal̕.
    √many  DEM  PL+√child-3POS  he       S√Raven

3.  k̕ʷé+√k̕ʷiʔ.

4.  k̕ʷé+√k̕ʷiʔ    ʔal̕    √ʔə́wə√nəʔ   s√téŋ   s√ʔíɬən-s
    ACT+√hungry  LIMIT  √not√exist  S√what  S√eat-3POS

5.  √nə́t̕θəʔ  s√kʷéčəl  ʔiʔ    √ʔəx̣ʷí-t-əs                 ʔə   tsə
    √one     S√day     ACCOM  √sweep-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  OBL  DEM

    s√nə́xʷəɬ  tsə  √mén-s
    S√canoe   DEM  √father-3POS

6.  √ʔəx̣ʷí-t-əs                 tsə  s√nə́xʷəɬ  tsə  √mén-s
    √sweep-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM  S√canoe   DEM  √father-3POS

7.  ʔiʔ    kʷɬ   √θíl̕əč  ʔə   tsə  s√q̕ál-əɬ
    ACCOM  REAL  √find   OBL  DEM  STAT√barbecue(RES)-DUR

8.  s-əw̕       √tál̕-nəxʷ                kʷs-əw̕       √ʔí(ʔ)ɬən̕-s
    S-CONTEMP  √discover-NTRAN-3OBJ(ø)  SUB  S-CONTEMP √eat(ACT)-3POS

    tsə  √mén-s        ʔə   kʷsíʔə s√héw̕ə
    DEM  √father-3POS  OBL  DEM     S√away

9.  s-əw̕       √tál̕-nəxʷ                kʷs-əw̕       √ʔí(ʔ)ɬən̕-s
    S-CONTEMP  √discover-NTRAN-3OBJ(ø)  SUB  S-CONTEMP √eat(ACT)-3POS

    tsə  √mén-s        ʔə   kʷsíʔə s√k̕ʷəw̕ə́y̕kʷ
    DEM  √father-3POS  OBL  DEM     S√fishing(ACT)

10.  √ʔáaɬ       ʔə   tsə  s√nə́xʷəɬ  tsə  √mén-s      s-əw̕
     √go-aboard  OBL  DEM  S√canoe   DEM  √father-3POS  S-CONTEMP

    √kʷéyl̕-s    ʔə   tsə  √kʷəčíl̕
    √hide-3POS  OBL  DEM  √day

11.  təwə   √x̣ʷən̕éŋ̕  ʔiʔ    kʷɬ   √tə́s       tsəw̕níɬ  tsə  s√wíw̕ləs
     STILL  √how     ACCOM  REAL  √be-there  he       DEM  S√young-man

    ʔə   tsə  s√nə́xʷəɬ  tsə  √mén-s
    OBL  DEM  S√canoe   DEM  √father-3POS

12.  s-əw̕       √ʔáaɬ-s
     S-CONTEMP  √go aboard-3POS

13.  √tə́s       tsə  s√páal̕  ʔə   tsə  s√nə́xʷəɬ  s-əw̕
     √be there  DEM  S√Raven  OBL  DEM  S√canoe   S-CONTEMP

    √go aboard-3POS

14.  √ʔə́wə√nəʔ   s√x̣č-í-t-s                      kʷ   s  kʷɬ
     √not√exist  S√figure out-PERSIS-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3POS  SUB  -  REAL

    ʔəl̕ʔál̕əɬ         tsə  s√wíw̕ləs     ʔə   tsə  s√nə́xʷəɬ  tsə
    √go aboard(ACT)  DEM  S√young man  OBL  DEM  S√canoe   DEM


15.  √ʔə́wə√nəʔ   s√x̣əč-t-í-ŋ-s                   ʔə   tɬ
     √not√exist  S√figure out-CTRAN-PERSIS-PASS-3POS  OBL  DEM

    s√páal̕   kʷ   s  kʷɬ   ʔəl̕ál̕ʔəɬ-s       tsə  s√wíw̕ləs     s-kʷé√kʷəl̕
    S√Raven  SUB  -  REAL  √go aboard(ACT)  DEM  S√young man  S-ACT+√hide

16.  s-əw̕       √yeʔ-s    √k̕ʷəw̕ə́y̕kʷ tsəw̕níɬ  s√páal̕
     S-CONTEMP  √go-3POS  √fishing(ACT) he       S√Raven

17.  ʔiʔ    ʔəw̕      ʔiʔ    ʔəl̕ʔál̕əɬ         tsəw̕níɬ  tsə  √ŋə́nəʔ-s
     ACCOM  CONTEMP  ACCOM  √go aboard(ACT)  he    DEM  √child-3POS

    ʔiʔ    s-kʷé+√kʷəl̕
    ACCOM  STAT-ACT+√hide

18.  s-əw̕       √yéʔ  s√k̕ʷə́wyəkʷ  s-əw̕       lə+√léʔ-n-əŋ
     S-CONTEMP  √go   S√fishing   S-CONTEMP  RES+√hear-NTRAN-PASS

    tsəw̕níɬ  kʷ   s-iʔ     č√qéy̕əʔ-s             tsə  √mén-s        tsə
    he       SUB  S-ACCOM  HAVE√catch(ACT)-3POS  DEM  √father-3POS  DEM


19.  √ɬée-l          tsəw̕níɬ  ʔə   tsə  s√ʔíl=əqsən   tsə  s√páal̕
     √go ashore-DIR  he       OBL  DEM  S√land?=nose  DEM  S√Raven

20.  √k̕ʷət̕θí-t-əs                  tsə  s√qə́čəʔ-s
     √butcher-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM  S√catch-3POS

21.  s-əw̕       √t̕θé(ʔ)kʷ-ət-s
     S-CONTEMP  √clean(ACT)-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3POS

22.  s-əw̕       √q̕ʷə́l-ət-s
     S-CONTEMP  √barbecue-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3POS

23.  ʔi     əw̕       s-kʷé+√kʷəl̕  tsəw̕níɬ  ʔə   tɬ √ʔáləɬ
     ACCOM  CONTEMP  STAT-ACT+√hide  he       OBL  DEM  √go aboard

    ʔə   tsə  s√nə́xʷəɬ  tsə  s√wíw̕ləs
    OBL  DEM  S√canoe   DEM  S√young man

24.  s-əw̕       √x̣č-ə́t-s                        "kʷɬ  √q̕ʷə́l̕
     S-CONTEMP  √figure out-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3POS  REAL  √barbecue(ACT)

    čtə   kʷsə  s√q̕ʷə́l-əŋ        kʷsə  nə√mén"
    PROB  DEM   S√barbecue-CMDL  DEM   1POS√father

25.  kʷɬ   √háqʷ-n-əs                  ʔiʔ    √ʔiʔ-l=ə́qəč
     REAL  √smell-NTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  ACCOM  √good-CONNEC=smell


26.  s-əw̕       √xʷíʔt-əŋ̕-s           tsəw̕níɬ  √ʔáx̣ʷ        ʔə   tsə
     S-CONTEMP  √jump(ACT)-CMDL-3POS  he       √go over to  OBL  DEM

    s√léʔə-s      tsə  √mén-s      √q̕ʷə́l-əŋ
    S√place-3POS  DEM  √father-3POS  √barbecue-CMDL

27.  s-əw̕       t̕θə́+√t̕θək̕ʷ-sət     tsə  √síʔsət
     S-CONTEMP  ACT+√startle-REFL  DEM  √parent

28.  "čəné     √níɬ    yəxʷ kʷsə  nə√ŋə́nəʔ"
     goodness  √it is  CONJEC  DEM   1POS√offspring

29.  ʔiʔ    √x̣ʷálkʷt-əŋ  tsə  √čə́q  √qʷɬ=éy̕
     ACCOM  √drift-CMDL  DEM  √big  √log=wood

30.  s-əw̕       √x̣ə́n-nəxʷ-s              tsə √ŋə́nəʔ-s
     S-CONTEMP  √say-NTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3POS  DEM  √offspring-3POS

    "√k̕ʷə́n-ət           tsə  √qʷəní.
    √see-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)  DEM  √seagull

31.  √niʔ    kʷsə  √ŋá(ʔ)-ət-əs."
     √exist  DEM   √eat(ACT)-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ

32.  s-əw̕       √x̣ə́n-əŋ-s       tsə  s√wíw̕ləs     "√ʔə́wə√nəʔ  s√téŋ
     S-CONTEMP  √say-CMDL-3POS  DEM  S√young man  √not√exist  S√what

    √ŋá(ʔ)-ət-əs                   tsə  √qəní,    √mén."
    √eat(ACT)-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM  √seagull  √father

33.  ʔi     əw̕       √ʔə́wə  tsəw̕níɬ  s√páal̕   √ʔéx̣-əŋ    kʷə
     ACCOM  CONTEMP  not    he       S√Raven  √say-CMDL  SUB

    s-əw̕       √níʔ-s       kʷsə  √ŋá(ʔ)-ət-əs                   tsə
    S-CONTEMP  √exist-3POS  DEM   √eat(ACT)-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM


34.  s-əw̕       √sé-t-əŋ-s                tsə  s√wíw̕ləs
     S-CONTEMP  √command-CTRAN-PASS-3POS  DEM  S√young man,

    "√ʔáaɬ      ʔə   tsə s√nə́xʷəɬ.  √yéʔ  ɬtə      √k̕ʷə́n-ət."
    √go aboard  OBL  DEM  S√canoe    √go   1PLSUBJ   √see-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)

35.  s-əw̕       √yéʔ-s    √táal.       √tə́s      ʔə   tséʔə.
     S-CONTEMP  √go-3POS  √way out at sea  √be here  OBL  DEM

36.  s-əw̕       √tə́s       ʔə   tsə  s√qəl-él=ŋəxʷ        ʔiʔ
     S-CONTEMP  √be there  OBL  DEM  S√tree-CONNEC=being  ACCOM


37.  s-əw̕       √sé-t-əŋ-s                tsəw̕níɬ  s√wíw̕ləs     kʷə
     S-CONTEMP  √command-CTRAN-PASS-3POS  he       S√young man  SUB

    √q̕ʷíŋ̕-əs.                "√ʔáaɬ      ʔə   tsə  √qʷɬ=éy̕
    √get off-EFFORT-3OBJ(ø)  √go aboard  OBL DEM  √log=wood

    ʔən̕-s-əw̕        √k̕ʷə́n-ət            kʷə  s√téŋ-əs      kʷə  s√ʔíɬən-s
    2POS-S-CONTEMP  √see-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)  SUB  S√what-3SUBJ  SUB  S√eat-3POS

    tsə  √qʷəní."
    DEM  √seagull

38.  "√q̕ʷíŋ    kʷəče   ʔiʔ    √k̕ʷə́n-ət            sxʷ    kʷə
     √get off  EXPLAN  ACCOM  √see-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)  1SUBJ  SUB

    s√téŋ-əs     kʷə  √ŋá(ʔ)-ət-əs                   kʷə  s√kʷə́l-əŋ   kʷsə
    S√what-3POS  SUB  √eat(ACT)-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  SUB  S√fly-CMDL  DEM


39.  "√ʔə́wə√nəʔ  q̕ə    s√téŋ."
     √not√exist  EMPH  S√what

40.  ʔi     əw̕       √šíy̕-əl-əs    tsə  s√páal̕   kʷə
     ACCOM  CONTEMP  √insist-DIR-EFFORT-3OBJ(ø)  DEM  S√Raven  SUB

    s√sé(ʔ)-ət-s                       tsə  √ŋə́nəʔ-s         kʷə
    S√command(ACT)-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3POS  DEM  √offspring-3POS  SUB

    √get off(ACT)-EFFORT-3OBJ(ø)

41.  s-əw̕       √q̕ʷíŋ-s        tsəw̕níɬ.
     S-CONTEMP  √get off-3POS  he

42.  √ʔáaɬ       ʔə   tsə  s√qəl-él=ŋəxʷ
     √go aboard  OBL  DEM  S√tree-CONNEC=being

43.  s-əw̕       txʷə√ʔəl̕ál̕əɬ-s      tsə  √ŋə́nəʔ-s
     S-CONTEMP  MUT√go aboard(ACT)-3POS  DEM  √offspring-3POS

    s-əw̕       √sx̣-ə́t-s.
    S-CONTEMP  √push-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3POS

44.  s-əw̕       xʷ√yél̕q-əŋ-s          √yéʔ  ʔə   tsə
     S-CONTEMP  LOC√return-CMDL-3POS  √go   OBL  DEM


45.  s-əw̕       √ʔíɬən-s.
     S-CONTEMP  √eat-3POS

46.  √ʔáw̕k̕ʷ-t-əs                      s-əw̕       √mək̕ʷ  s√téŋ
     √finish off-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  S-CONTEMP  √all   S√what


47.  √kʷéčəl̕  ʔi     əw̕       √kʷéčəl̕  ʔi     əw̕       √kʷéčəl̕  kʷə
     √day     ACCOM  CONTEMP  √day     ACCOM  CONTEMP  √day     SUB

    s-iʔ     √ʔəl̕ál̕əɬ-s           ʔə   tsə  s√qəl-él=ŋəxʷ.
     S-ACCOM  √go aboard(ACT)-3POS  OBL  DEM  S√tree-CONNEC=being

48.  ʔəw̕      √háy   ʔal̕    √híθ        kʷə  s-iʔ
     CONTEMP  √done  LIMIT  √long time  SUB  S-ACCOM

    √ʔəl̕ál̕əɬ-s            ʔə   tsə  s√qəl-él=ŋəxʷ.
    √go aboard(ACT)-3POS  OBL  DEM  S√tree-CONNEC=being

49.  √sé-t-əs                      tsə  √ŋə́nəʔ-s         kʷə
     √command-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM  √offspring-3POS  SUB

    √ʔáaɬ-əs          ʔə   tsə  √qʷɬ=éy̕.
    √go aboard-3SUBJ  OBL  DEM  √log=wood

50.  s-əw̕       √sx̣-ə́t-s                  s-əw̕

    √go ashore-DIR-3POS

51.  s-iʔ     s-əw̕       √yéʔ-s    √ɬée-l               tsəw̕níɬ.
     S-ACCOM  S-CONTEMP  √go-3POS  √go ashore(RES)-DIR  he

52.  s-əw̕       √ʔíɬən-s   ʔə  tsə  s√q̕ʷə́l-əŋ-s.
     S-CONTEMP  √eat-3POS  OBL  DEM  S√barbecue-CMDL-3POS

53.  s-ew̕       √háy-s        kʷə  s√ʔí(ʔ)ɬən̕-s     s-əw̕
     S-CONTEMP  √finish-3POS  SUB  S√eat(ACT)-3POS  S-CONTEMP

    √yéʔ-s    √t̕ák̕ʷ.
    √go-3POS  √go home

54.  txʷ√háy    tsə  √ŋə́nəʔ-s   √xʷə́l̕kʷt-əŋ  √ʔəl̕ál̕əɬ
     MUT√alone  DEM  √offspring-3POS  √drift-CMDL √go aboard(ACT)

    ʔə   tsə  √qʷɬ=éy̕.
    OBL  DEM  √log=wood

55.  √kʷéčəl  ʔiʔ    √nét,   √kʷéčəl  ʔiʔ    √net.
     √day     ACCOM  √night  √day     ACCOM  √night

56.  ʔi     əw̕       √ʔə́wə  kʷə  √sk̕ʷ-íl        √ƛ̕éʔ.
     ACCOM  CONTEMP  not    SUB  √approach-DIR  √again

57.  √x̣ʷá(ʔə)ŋ̕  tsə  s√wíw̕ləs     s-əw̕       t̕ə+√t̕íl̕əm̕-s.
     √cry(ACT)  DEM  S√young man  S-CONTEMP  ACT+√sing-3POS

58.  "√ʔéɬəʔ  sən    √x̣ʷə́l̕-t-əŋ̕                ʔə   tɬ   s√qə́nəxʷ
     √here    1SUBJ  √abandon(ACT)-CTRAN-PASS  OBL  DEM  S√greedy


59.  təwə   √x̣ʷəníŋ    tsəw̕níɬ  s√wíw̕ləs.
     STILL  √that way  he       S√young man

60.  təwə   √x̣ʷəníŋ    č̕əʔ   ʔiʔ kʷɬ   √sík̕ʷ-əl̕.
     STILL  √that way  EVID  ACCOM  REAL  √approach(ACT)-DIR

61.  s-əw̕       √k̕ʷə́n-nəxʷ          tsə  √ʔə́y̕   s√wíw̕ləs.
     S-CONTEMP  √see-NTRAN-3OBJ(ø)  DEM  √good  S√young man

62.  √pə́q̕    tsə  √ɬqít-s.
     √white  DEM  √clothes-3POS

63.  s-əw̕       √čté-t-əŋ        tsə  s√wíw̕ləs     ʔə   tsə  √pə́q̕
     S-CONTEMP  √ask-CTRAN-PASS  DEM  S√young man  OBL  DEM √white

    √ɬqít-s,       "s√táŋət             sxʷ    ʔačə."
    √clothes-3POS  STAT√what’s the matter  2SUBJ  REQINF

64.  s-əw̕       √x̣ə́n-əŋ-s       "√ʔéɬə  sən    s√x̣ʷə́l̕-t-əŋ̕
     S-CONTEMP  √say-CMDL-3POS  √here   1SUBJ  STAT√abandon(ACT)-CTRAN

    ləʔ   ʔə   tɬ   s√qə́nəxʷ  s√páal̕."
    PAST  OBL  DEM  S√greedy  S√Raven

65.  s-əw̕       √x̣ə́n-əŋ-s       tsə  s√wíw̕ləs,    "√nə́kʷə  ʔačə
     S-CONTEMP  √say-CMDL-3POS  DEM  S√young man  √you     REQINF


66.  s-əw̕       √x̣ə́n-əŋ-s       tsəw̕níɬ  ʔiʔ    √ʔə́y̕=mət          tsə
     S-CONTEMP  √say-CMDL-3POS  he       ACCOM  √good=appearance  DEM

    √ɬqít-s        √pə́q̕,   "√ʔə́sə  √x̣éʔ-əl̕s."
    √clothes-3POS  √white  √I      √sacred-STRUC(ACT)

67.  s-əw̕       √x̣ən-ə́t-əŋ-s          tsəw̕níɬ  √ŋə́nəʔ      ʔə   tɬ
     S-CONTEMP  √say-CTRAN-PASS-3POS  he       √offspring  OBL  DEM

    s√páal̕,  "√θíɬ-əŋ     sxʷ."
    S√Raven  √stand-CMDL  2SUBJ

68.  s-əw̕       √θí(ʔ)ɬ-əŋ̕-s           tsəw̕níɬ  s√wíw̕ləs.
     S-CONTEMP  √stand(ACT)-CMDL-3POS  he       S√young man

69.  s-əw̕       √qʷén-əs-əŋ-s             ʔə  tsə  √x̣éʔ-əl̕s.
     S-CONTEMP  √summon-EFFORT-PASS-3POS  OBL  DEM  √sacred-STRUC(ACT)

70.  s-əw̕       √kʷən-í-t-əŋ-s                 ʔəw̕

    √ʔəpí-t-əŋ-s             ʔə   tsə  √x̣éʔ-əl̕s.
    √stroke-CTRAN-PASS-3POS  OBL  DEM  √sacred-STRUC(ACT)

71.  √k̕ʷə́n-ət-əs               tsə  √ɬqít-s        ʔiʔ    √ƛ̕éʔ
     √see-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM  √clothes-3POS  ACCOM  √also

    əw̕       txʷə-ʔi+√ʔə́y̕=mət.
    CONTEMP  MUT-RES+√good=appearance

72.  s-əw̕       √x̣ən-ə́t-əŋ-s          ʔə   tɬ   √x̣éʔ-əl̕s

    kʷə  √məl̕ə́q-t-əs                  tsə  s√léʔ-t-əŋ-s.
    SUB  √forget-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM  S√repair-CTRAN-PASS-3POS

73.  "ʔəw̕     √məl̕ə́q-t               sxʷ    ʔal̕
     CONTEMP  √forget-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)  2SUBJ  LIMIT


74.  s-əw̕       √sé-t-əŋ-s                kʷə  √yéʔ-əs
     S-CONTEMP  √command-CTRAN-PASS-3POS  SUB  √go-3SUBJ

    √ƛ̕léʔ-əŋ        ʔə   kʷsə  s√táləs   √ʔáx̣ʷ   ʔə   tɬ
    √look for-CMDL  OBL  DEM   S√spouse  √go to  OBL  DEM

    place near Blaine, WA

75.  "ʔiʔ   s√x̣ʷən̕í(ʔ)əŋ̕ sən    səʔ  kʷəče   kʷə  nə-s√yéʔ?"
     ACCOM  S√how(ACT)    1SUBJ  FUT  EXPLAN  SUB 1POS-S√go

76.  "√níɬ   səʔ  kʷəʔ tsə  n̕-šxʷ√ʔəl̕ál̕əɬ             ʔi
     √it is  FUT  INFORM  DEM  2POS-REAS√go aboard(ACT)  ACCOM

    ʔən̕-šxʷ√ʔəl̕ál̕əɬ           kʷə  n̕-s√yéʔ."
    2POS-REAS√go aboard(ACT)  SUB  2POS-S√go

77.  s-əw̕       √yéʔ  tsəw̕níɬ √ʔáaɬ       ʔə   tsə  √qʷɬ=éy̕.
     S-CONTEMP  √go   he       √go aboard  OBL  DEM  √log=wood

78.  s-əw̕       √yéʔ-s    √ʔáx̣ʷ   ʔə   tɬ   smák̕ʷəč.
     S-CONTEMP  √go-3POS  √go to  OBL  DEM  -

79.  s-əw̕       √ɬée-l-s             s-əw̕       √štə́ŋ-s     tsəw̕níɬ
     S-CONTEMP  √go ashore-DIR-3POS  S-CONTEMP  √walk-3POS         he

    S√young man

80.  ʔiʔ    √šə́təŋ̕      ʔiʔ    kʷɬ   √ʔəléʔ-n-əs                tsə
     ACCOM  √walk(ACT)  ACCOM  REAL  √hear-NTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM

    √ŋə́n̕   š(əl)+√škʷá(ʔə)m̕.
    √many  PL+√swim(ACT)

81.  √q̕é(lə)ŋiʔ.

82.  √níɬ    s-əw̕       √čəl̕=ə́qsən   s-iʔ     √k̕ʷə́n-nəxʷ-s
     √it is  S-CONTEMP  √turn=point  S-ACCOM  √see-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3POS

    tsə  √ŋə́n̕   šə+√škʷə́m̕.
    DEM  √many  ACT+√swim

83.  √níɬ    s-əw̕       √čté-ŋ-s,       "√ʔəx̣ín  kʷəʔ    kʷsə
     √it is  S-CONTEMP  √ask-CMDL-3POS  √where   INFORM  DEM


84.  √níʔ    č̕ə    kʷsə  √ŋə́nəʔ-s.        nə√sé-t-əŋ
     √exist  EVID  DEM   √offspring-3POS  1POS√command-CTRAN-PASS

    kʷə  √yéʔ-ən    √čté-n      ʔə   kʷsə  nə-s-č√táləs."
    SUB  √go-1SUBJ  √ask-1SUBJ  OBL  DEM   1POS-S-HAVE√spouse

85.  ʔiʔ    √čéʔsəʔ      tsə  √q̕é(lə)ŋiʔ.
     ACCOM  √two people  DEM  √girl(PL)

86.  √níɬ    yəxʷ    ŋən+√ŋə́nəʔ     ʔə   tɬ   smák̕ʷəč.
     √it is  CONJEC  PL+√offspring  OBL  DEM  -

87.  s-əw̕       √x̣ə́n̕-əŋ-s       s-əw̕       nə+√ní(ʔ)ɬ-iyəʔ,  "√ɬníŋəɬ
     S-CONTEMP  √say-CMDL-3POS  S-CONTEMP  they are          √we

    √ŋə́nəʔ      ʔə   tɬ   smák̕ʷəč."
    √offspring  OBL  DEM  -

88.  s-əw̕       √yéʔ-t-əŋ-s         tsəw̕níɬ  ʔə   tsə  √q̕é(lə)ŋiʔ
     S-CONTEMP  √go-CAUS-PASS-3POS  he       OBL  DEM  √girl(PL)

    √ʔáx̣ʷ-t-əŋ             ʔə   tsə  √mén-s.
    √go over to-CAUS-PASS  OBL  DEM  √father-3POS

89.  s-əw̕       √čté-ŋ-s        kʷə  √nə́t̕θəʔ-əs  ʔə   tsə  √q̕é(lə)ŋiʔ
     S-CONTEMP  √ask-CMDL-3POS  SUB  √one-3SUBJ  OBL  DEM  √girl(PL)

    kʷə  s√táləs   səʔ.
    SUB  S√spouse  FUT

90.  ʔəw̕      √mə́k̕ʷ  tsə  √q̕é(lə)ŋiʔ  ʔəw̕      č√ƛ̕íʔ      kʷsə
     CONTEMP  √all   DEM  √girl(PL)   CONTEMP  HAVE√want  DEM

    č√táləs      ʔə   tsə  √ʔə́y̕   s√wíw̕ləs.
    HAVE√spouse  OBL  DEM  √good  S√young man

91.  šxʷ-kʷí+√w̕ən̕-təl̕        ʔə   tsə  √q̕é(lə)ŋiʔ.
     REAS-ACT+√fight-CRECIP  OBL  DEM  √girl(PL)

92.  s-əw̕       √x̣ə́n-əŋ-s,      "ʔəw̕     √mə́k̕ʷ  səʔ  sxʷ
     S-CONTEMP  √say-CMDL-3POS  CONTEMP  √all   FUT  2SUBJ


93.  s-əw̕       xʷ√tél=qən        tsə  smák̕ʷəč,  "√mə́k̕ʷ  sxʷ
     S-CONTEMP  LOC√agree=pharynx  DEM  -         √all    2SUBJ

    ʔəw̕      √kʷə́n-ət                   tsə  nə-ŋən+√ŋə́nəʔ."
    CONTEMP  √take,grasp-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)  DEM  1POS-PL+√offspring

94.  s-əw̕       √ƛ̕éʔ-ə=šən           tsə  smák̕ʷəč  ʔə   tsə  ʔəw̕
     S-CONTEMP  √invite-CONNEC=foot  DEM  -        OBL  DEM CONTEMP

    √mə́k̕ʷ  s√čé(lə)ʔčəʔ-s.
    √all   S√friend(PL)

95.  s-əw̕       qʷə́+√qʷəl̕   kʷə  s-č√táləs      tsə
     S-CONTEMP  ACT+√speak  SUB  S-HAVE√spouse  DEM


96.  s-əw̕       txʷə-č√táləs.
     S-CONTEMP  MUT-HAVE√spouse

97.  √mə́k̕ʷ  √tə́s     ʔi     əw̕       √kʷən-s-í-ŋ
     √all   √arrive  ACCOM  CONTEMP  √take,grasp-EFFORT-PERSIS-PASS

    ʔə   tsə  s√ŋétxʷ-s.
    OBL  DEM  S√distribute-3POS

98.  √ʔáaɬ-t-əŋ            tsə  s√ɬíl-s       ʔə   tsə  s-nə+√níxʷəɬ.
     √go aboard-CAUS-PASS  DEM  S√bring-3POS  OBL  DEM  S-PL+√canoe

99.  √ʔém̕əq-t-əŋ          √t̕ək̕ʷ-í-st-əŋ.
     √deliver-CTRAN-PASS  √go home-REL-CAUS-PASS

100.  √náʔt̕θəʔ     ʔə   θə   √q̕éŋiʔ  kʷə  s√t̕áyəm̕-s      tsə
      √one person  OBL  DEM  √girl   SUB  S√put on-3POS  DEM


101.  √háʔ      √k̕ʷán-ət-əs                    tsə  əw̕
      √if,when  √see(RES)-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM  CONTEMP

    txʷ√néč̕-əs           ʔal̕.
    MUT√different-3SUBJ  LIMIT

102.  √náʔt̕θəʔ     tsə  √q̕éŋiʔ  ʔə   kʷə  s√t̕áyəm̕-s      tsə
      √one person  DEM  √girl   OBL  SUB  S√put on-3POS  DEM


103.  ʔiʔ    √háʔ      √k̕ʷán-ət-əs              kʷə  s-əw̕
      ACCOM  √if,when  √see(RES)-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  SUB  S-CONTEMP

    s√téŋ   s-əw̕       txʷ√néč̕-əs.
    S√what  S-CONTEMP  MUT√different-3SUBJ

104.  ʔiʔ    √háʔ      s√ƛ̕íʔ-s kʷə  s-əw̕       s√téŋ   s-əw̕
      ACCOM  √if,when  S√want-3POS  SUB  S-CONTEMP  S√what  S-CONTEMP

    txʷ-əs√ŋénət-s.     ʔiʔ    √ʔə́q-t-əs.
    MUT-STAT√rock-3POS  ACCOM  √change-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ

105.  √háy                  θə   √náʔt̕θəʔ,    √háʔ
      √alone,remaining one  DEM  √one person  √if,when

    √t̕áyəm̕-t-əs                  tsə  s√kʷéʔ-s        š√ɬíx̣=əs  ʔiʔ    √níɬ
    √put on-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM  S√possess-3POS  S,LOC√paint=face  ACCOM  √it is

    s-əw̕       xʷ√yél̕q-əŋ-s          √ʔənʔé  kʷə  s-əw̕       s√téŋ   ʔal̕.
    S-CONTEMP  LOC√return-CMDL-3POS  √come   SUB  S-CONTEMP S√what  LIMIT

106.  s-iʔ     s-əw̕       √tə́s     kʷɬ   √yéʔ  s-əw̕       √tə́s
      S-ACCOM  S-CONTEMP  √arrive  REAL  √go   S-CONTEMP  √arrive

    kʷɬ   ʔiʔ    ɬə+√ɬé(ʔ)-əl        ʔiʔ    kʷɬ   √tə́l̕-sət          tsə
    REAL  ACCOM  RES+√go ashore-DIR  ACCOM  REAL  √dance(ACT)-REFL  DEM


107.  √tə́l̕-sət          tsə  √mén-s   tsə  s√wíw̕ləs.
      √dance(ACT)-REFL  DEM  √father-3POS  DEM  S√young man

    √tə́l-sət          tsə  √mén     ʔə   tɬ   s√wíw̕ləs.
    √dance(ACT)-REFL  DEM  √father  OBL DEM  S√young man

108.  "√yéʔ  ləʔ   sən    √k̕ʷčé-sə
      √go    PAST  1SUBJ  √make spiritually strong-(CTRAN)-2OBJ

    nə-šxʷ√ʔáaɬ-t-àŋə              ʔə   kʷsə  √qʷɬ=éy̕."
    1POS-REAS√go aboard-CAUS-2OBJ  OBL  DEM   √log=wood

109.  s-əw̕       √t̕áyəm̕-s      tsə  √q̕éŋiʔ  tsə  s√kʷéʔ-s
      S-CONTEMP  √put on-3POS  DEM  √girl   DEM  S√possess-3POS

    š√ɬíx̣=əs          s-əw̕       iʔ     √ʔéq-t-əŋ           tsəw̕níɬ
    S,LOC√paint=face  S-CONTEMP  ACCOM  √change-CTRAN-PASS  he

    s√páal̕   txʷ-əs√ŋénət-t-əŋ.
    S√Raven  MUT-STAT√rock-CAUS-PASS

110.  √níɬ    kʷəče   tsə  š√čə́n=sən-əŋ-s             ʔə   kʷsə
      √it is  EXPLAN  DEM  S,LOC√step=foot-CMDL-3POS  OBL  DEM

    √q̕ʷíŋ-s.       √niɬ    kʷəče   s-əw̕       √yéʔ-s.
    √get off-3POS  √it is  EXPLAN  S-CONTEMP  √go-3POS

111.  √t̕áyəm̕-t-əs                  tsə  √náʔt̕θəʔ     tsə
      √put on-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM  √oneperson  DEM

    s√kʷéʔ-s        š√ɬíx̣=əs          √ƛ̕éʔ    s-əw̕       iʔ
    S√possess-3POS  S,LOC√paint=face  √again  S-CONTEMP  ACCOM


112.  s-əw̕       √ƛ̕éʔ    txʷə-s√páal̕.
      S-CONTEMP  √again  MUT-S√Raven

113.  s-əw̕       √čté-ŋ-s        tsəw̕níɬ  s√wíw̕ləs,    "√ʔəx̣ín  kʷəʔ
      S-CONTEMP  √ask-CMDL-3POS  he       S√young man  √where   INFORM

    kʷsə  nə√tén?"
    DEM   1POS√mother

114.  √qʷə́+qʷəl̕   tsə  s√páal̕,  "ʔəw̕     √ʔám̕ət   kʷəʔ."
      ACT+√speak  DEM  S√Raven  CONTEMP  √sit-up  INFORM

115.  s-əw̕       √x̣ə́n-əŋ-s       tsəw̕níɬ  s√wíw̕ləs,    "√yéʔ
      S-CONTEMP  √say-CMDL-3POS  he       S√young man  √go

    √ʔəx̣ʷ-t-áŋəs           ʔə   kʷsə  nə√tén."
    √go over to-CAUS-1OBJ  OBL  DEM   1POS√mother

116.  s-əw̕       √yéʔ.
      S-CONTEMP  √go

117.  s-əw̕       √tə́s-s        tsə  √tén-s.
      S-CONTEMP  √arrive-3POS  DEM  √mother-3POS

118.  kʷɬ   txʷə-√ʔə́wə√nəʔ  š√k̕ʷə́n̕-əɬ-s.
      REAL  MUT√not√exist   STAT,LOC√see(ACT)-DUR-3POS

119.  √níɬ    kʷə  s√yáθ        ʔəw̕
      √it is  SUB  S√long time  CONTEMP

    √x̣ʷá(ʔ)aŋ̕-t-əs                       tsə  √ŋə́nəʔ-s.
    √cry(ACT)-(REL)-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)-3SUBJ  DEM  √offspring-3POS

120.  s-əw̕       txʷ√ƛ̕él̕əč̕.
      S-CONTEMP  MUT√blind

121.  s-əw̕       √kʷéy̕əx̣-sət       tsəw̕níɬ  s√wíw̕ləs     s-əw̕
      S-CONTEMP  √shake,stir-REFL  he       S√young man  S-CONTEMP

    √ʔíp-ət                tsə  √tén-s.
    √stroke-CTRAN-3OBJ(ø)  DEM  √mother-3POS

122.  s√ƛ̕éʔ-s       ʔəw̕      txʷ√k̕ʷə́n̕-əɬ.
      S√again-3POS  CONTEMP  √see(ACT)-DUR

123.  tsə  √ɬqít-s        ʔiʔ   √ƛ̕éʔ   ʔəw̕      txʷə√ʔə́y̕.
      DEM  √clothes-3POS  ACCOM  √also  CONTEMP  MUT√good

124.  ʔiʔ    √ʔéq-t-əŋ           tsə  √mén-s        s-ew̕
      ACCOM  √change-CTRAN-3POS  DEM  √father-3POS  S-CONTEMP

    txʷə-s√páal̕-s  s-əw̕       √k̕ʷə́l-əŋ-s.
    MUT-S√Raven    S-CONTEMP  √fly-CMDL-3POS

125.  ʔiʔ    √ʔéq-t-əŋ.          s-əw̕       txʷə-s√páal̕-s  ʔə   tsə
      ACCOM  √change-CTRAN-PASS  S-CONTEMP  MUT-S√Raven    OBL  DEM


126.  s-iʔ     s-əw̕       √kʷə́l-əŋ   tsə  s√páal̕.
      S-ACCOM  S-CONTEMP  √fly-CMDL  DEM  S√Raven

127.  txʷə-s√páal̕.

128.  √níɬ    ʔəw̕      šxʷ√háy-s.
      √it is  CONTEMP  REAS√finish-3POS

3.2. Translation of ‘Raven Abandons his Son.’
1. Every morning he’d go out fishing, the Raven.
2. Raven had lots of children.
3. They were hungry.
4. They were hungry but they didn’t have any food.
5. One day his son was sweeping his father’s canoe.
6. He was sweeping his father’s canoe
7. and he found cooked fish.
8. He found out his father eats while he’s away.
9. He found out his father ate while he was fishing.
10. He got on the canoe and hid early in the morning.
11. Soon the young man gets there and gets on his father’s canoe.
12. So he got on.
13. Raven came and got into the canoe.
14. He didn’t know his son was hiding on the canoe.
15. Raven didn’t know his son already got on the canoe and hid.
16. So Raven went fishing
17. and his son was on the canoe hiding.
18. So he went fishing and he could hear his father catching fish.
19. Raven went ashore at the point.
20. He was cutting his catch.
21. So he washed it.
22. So he barbecued it.
23. And the young man was still hiding in the canoe.
24. So he figured, "My father’s barbecue must be ready."
25. He smelled the good aroma of the barbecue.
26. He jumped up where his father was barbecuing.
27. The parent was startled.
28. "Goodness! It’s my child!"
29. There was a big log floating in the water.
30. So he said to his son, "Look at the seagull.
31. He’s eating something."
32. So the young man said, "He’s not eating anything, father."
33. Raven kept on insisting that there was something that the seagull was eating.
34. So he told the young man, "Get on the canoe. We’ll go see."
35. So they went way out in the water. They got there.
36. So they got to the drifting log.
37. So he told his son to get off. "Board the log and see what the seagull was eating.
38. Get off and see what that seagull who flew away was eating."
39. "There !bu!is!eu! nothing."
40. Raven kept on insisting, telling his son to get off.
41. So he got off.
42. He got on the log.
43. So when his son got on the log he pushed it away.
44. So he went back to his barbecue.
45. So he ate it.
46. He finished everything he had cooked.
47. Day after day after day he was on the log.
48. For a long time he was on the log.
49. He told his son to get on the log.
50. So he pushed it away and left.
51. So he went ashore.
52. So he ate his barbecue.
53. Then he finished eating and he went home.
54. Only his son floating on the log.
55. Day and night, day and night.
56. He never came back again.
57. The young man cried and he sang.
58. "I’ve been abandoned by greedy Raven."
59. He was still there, the young man.
60. He was still there when he heard something coming.
61. Then he saw a nice young man
62. with a white robe.
63. The young man was asked by the white-robe, "What happened to you?"
64. So he said, "I got abandoned by greedy Raven."
65. So the young man asked, "Who are you?"
66. Then he replied, the nice, white-robed guy, "It is I, Transformer!"
67. He said to Raven’s son, "Stand up!"
68. So he stood up.
69. Transformer called him to come to him.
70. He was taken and brushed all over by Transformer.
71. He looked at what he was wearing and it became nice, too.
72. So Transformer told him to forget about what was done to him.
73. "Forget your being fixed up."
74. He told him to go look for a wife over at Smák̕ʷəč.
75. "How am I going to get there?"
76. "What you’re on now is what you’ll be on to get there."
77. So he went on the log.
78. So he went over to Smák̕ʷəč.
79. So the young man went ashore and walked.
80. He was walking and he heard a lot of them swimming.
81. They were girls.
82. So he went around the point and he did see a bunch of swimmers.
83. So he asked, "Where is Smák̕ʷəč?
84. He’s got a daughter. I was told to go and ask for her as my wife."
85. There were two girls.
86. They must have been daughters of Smák̕ʷəč.
87. So they said, "We are the daughters of Smák̕ʷəč."
88. So the girls took him over to their father.
89. He asked for one of the girls to be his wife.
90. Both of the girls wanted to be the wife of the nice young man.
91. The girls were fighting over him.
92. So he said, "You’ll both be my wives."
93. Smák̕ʷəč agreed. "Take both of my daughters."
94. Smák̕ʷəč invited everbody, all his friends.
95. He told them that his daughters had gotten married.
96. So they got married.
97. Everyone that got there carried a gift to give them.
98. They put the gifts into the canoes.
99. They brought them home.
100. One of the girls, when she puts paint on her face,
101. when she looks at something she can change it into whatever she wants.
102. One of the girls puts paint on her face,
103. and if she looks at something it becomes different; it changes.
104. And if she wants to, anything becomes a rock. She changes it.
105. The other one, when she puts on !bu!her!eu! paint it will come back to whatever it was.
106. They arrived and when they arrived, they were coming ashore, Raven was dancing.
107. The young man’s father was dancing. The young man’s father was dancing.
108. "I was going to make you strong. That’s why I sent you off on that log."
109. So the girl put on her paint and changed him, Raven, into a rock.
110. That’s what they used for a stepping stone when they got off.
111. The other one put on her paint and changed it back.
112. So he became Raven again.
113. Then the young man asked him, "Where is my mother?"
114. Raven told him, "She’s at home."
115. So the young man said, "Take me to my mother."
116. So they went.
117. So they arrived at his mother’s.
118. She couldn’t see anymore.
119. It was because she was always crying for her son.
120. So she became blind.
121. So he moved, the young man, and brushed his mother.
122. She could see again.
123. Her clothes were nice, too.
124. He changed, his father, into a raven and flew away.
125. He was changed into a raven by his daughter-in-law.
126. So Raven flew away.
127. So he became a raven.
128. That’s the end.