Myungsup Kim (
Vita )
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
University of North Texas
Office: 283C Hickory Hall
Office phone: (940) 369-8834
Office hours (Fall 2011): 10:00 a.m. ~ 11:30 a.m. on Mondays, 2:00 p.m. ~ 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, and
by appointment.
Fall 2011:
ECON 4870 / 5640:
Introduction to Econometrics / Multivariate Regression Analysis
ECON 5655:
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data
- Other courses taught:
- ECON 4630 / 5630: Research Methods
- ECON 5650: Advanced Econometrics
ECON 5000: Economic Concepts
Research interests:
econometrics, stochastic frontier model
- Harllee, B., M. Nieswiadomy, and M. Kim, 2009, “Political Influence on Historical ESA Listings by
State: A Count Data Analysis,” Public
Choice 140, 21 - 42.
- McPherson, M., T. Jewell, and M. Kim, 2009, “What
Determines Student Evaluation Scores? A Random Effects Analysis of
Undergraduate Economics Classes,” Eastern Economic Journal 35, 37 - 51.
- Kim,
M and P. Schmidt, 2008, “Valid Tests of Whether Technical Efficiency Depends on Firm
Characteristics,” Journal of Econometrics 144, 409 - 427.
- Kim,
M., Y. Kim, and P. Schmidt, 2007, “On
the Accuracy of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Efficiency Levels in
Stochastic Frontier Models with Panel Data,” Journal of Productivity Analysis 28, 165 - 181.