Dimitri Ivanovich Mendeleev



  He was a professor of chemistry at the University of St. Petersburg in Russia, he was famous for his periodic table of the elements. Meyer was a codiscoverer of the periodic arrangement of the elements, but Mendeleev’s approach — a descriptive table based on chemical properties and valence — proved more useful and even allowed the prediction of new elements.

  1. "Gallium" article in the Hexagon of Alpha Chi Sigma

  2. "Germanium: Freiberg, Germany" article in the Hexagon of Alpha Chi Sigma

  3. "The Periodic Table" article in the Hexagon of Alpha Chi Sigma

  4. Photograph of Head-post in Varel, Germany

  5. Photographs of St. Petersburg, Russia

  6. Photographs of Tobolsk, Russia

  7. Photographs of Cognac, France

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