Bad Liebenzell, Germany


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Elements: Arsenic
Location: Bad Liebenzell
Scientist: Paracelsus

Bad Liebenzell

city coat of arms

information sign

sign continues


Therapeutic Park

Through the tunnel

The Kurpark

west side of the Nagold


Inside the Trinkenquelle

thermal spring

Paracelsus Therme

Walking up to the Paracelsus Therme

spa hotel


stone plaque


view to the entrance

historic plaque

quotation from Paracelsus

Inside the lobby

Up on the hillside

old city hall

Half-timbered house

old city wall

St. Blasius Church

view of the St. Blasius Church

view of the St. Blasius Church

Back view of St. Blasius Church

Inside the St. Blasius Church

Inside the St. Blasius Church

Inside the St. Blasius Church

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