
Expansion of Altstadt.
Bunsen statue, Hauptstrasse 51 - N49 24.64 E8 41.89.
Spectroscopy plaque, across from Bunsen statue, Hauptstrasse 52 - N49 24.62 E8 41.87.
Bunsen House/Lab, Plöck 55 - N49 24.62 E8 41.87
"1" = Associated old Bunsen laboratory on Akademiestrasse - N49 24.59 E8 41.87.
The following three items are of interest for giving information about the university and city, but have no "Rediscovery" information:
Heidelberg Kurzpfälzisches Museum (Heidelberg City Museum, Museum of the Palatinate) ; gives history of one of the few cities in Germany occupied by the Romans; Hauptstrasse 97 - N49 24.69 E8 42.18.
Alte Universität, Universitätsplatz - N49 24.70 E8 42.36.
Heidelberg University Museum, Grabengasse 1 - N49 24.678 E8 42.365