
Details of central campus, including Händel Haus and Geiseltal Museum:
Original building of Friedrichs Universität, where Stahl (proponent of phlogiston) taught, now called the Neue Residenz, Domstraße 5 - N51 28.99 E11 57.88.
Geiseltal paleontological museum - N51 29.02 E11 57.90.
Old Chemistry Building, where chemists including Vorländer and Ziegler worked; Mühlgasse -
N51 29.10 E11 57.85.
Old Physics Building, where Dorn performed his research on emanation from radium, Friedmann-Bach-Platz - N51 29.20 E11 57.88.
Birthplace of Händel, Große Nikolaistraße 5 - N51 29.04 E11 58.02.