
In this overall view of the Freiberg community, only a few selected sites are shown for orientation purposes (for details of this area, see maps 3 and 4):
RR Station, Am Bahnhof - N50 54.54 E13 20.68.
Kuhschacht Monument, historic mine (now closed) where ore was procured to aid the Swedish Cronstedt in his investigations of nickel, Wernerplatz - N50 54.81 E13 20.82.
Reich House/plaque, the co-discoverer of indium, Waisserhausstraße 20 - N50 54.99 E13 20.37.
Bergakademie, Akademiestraße 6 - N50 55.08 E13 20.46.
Winkler laboratory, where germanium was discovered, Brenhausgasse 5 - N50 55.23 E13 20.54.
Himmelfahrt Fundgrube, important mine involved in the education of Freiberg Akademie students and an interesting tourist attraction (but not to be confused with Himmelfürst where indium and germanium ores were found), Himmelfahrtsgasse 10 - N50 55.14 E13 21.51.