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Call the Service Desk

Most folks prefer to call us and we make deliberate effort for staff to answer calls.

In teams, you can call our main account or to be redirected to x4498.

If not using teams to call us, you can use the full number: (940) 565-4498

When UNT is open for business:

  • Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 7:00PM
  • Saturday 10:00AM - 2:00PM


Email with questions and concerns.

The ticketing system automatically sends a reply so:

  • You and staff can both update the ticket with the latest information 
  • You can refer back to that ticket to clarify your situation and also not lose your place in line!

Visit One of Our Offices

General Academic Building (GAB, pronounced "gee ay bee") 313

Main office on the north side of the flagship's main campus, just off Avenue B.

When UNT is open for business:

  • Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 7:00PM
  • Saturday 10:00AM - 2:00PM

Discovery Park B203

Satellite office at a flagship satellite campus, just off Highway 77 in north Denton.

When UNT is open for business:

  • Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM

US Postal Mail (Not Shipping) Address

UNT Computing for Arts & Sciences

1155 Union Circle #310938
Denton, TX   76203-5017

Shipping (Not US Postal Mail) Address

UNT Computing for Arts & Sciences
225 South Avenue B, General Acad Bldg. Suite 313
Denton, TX 76201