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Qualtrics is a third party, web-based online survey tool licensed by UNT for use by faculty and staff.

For help getting started using Qualtrics, visit the University IT (UIT) Qualtrics webpage.

To access Qualtrics, login to and look on the Student tab for the block labeled "Qualtrics" with a link labeled "Online survey tool".

Quick Tips

  1. Each survey is a "project"
  2. To duplicate an existing survey:
    1. Right-click on the three dots at far right corner of the survey listing
    2. Select "Copy Project"
    3. Rename survey
  3. Once you've created your project, you can email it to a distribution list you create under "Contacts"
    1. Click "Distributions"
    2. Send via email
    3. Compose email message
      1. Select distribution list
      2. Type in subject and message
      3. Optional: click on "Advanced settings" to set link type and expiration,
      4. Send a preview email to yourself to make sure it looks right
      5. Click "Send in 1 hour" button
    4. Optional: schedule reminder email and thank you email
  4. Close survey once expiration date has been reached
  5. On the Data & Analysis tab:
    1. click the "Export & Import" button and select "Export Data…"
    2. in the Download Data Table window, select
      1. CSV file format
      2. "Download all fields" checkbox
      3. "Use numeric values" button to more easily average scores
    3. click Download button

For more help on learning to use Qualtrics, check out their on-line Survey Platform Overview.

Availability details
Available on
Available to